What is this? … 1941?
These reports sound like the same thing that happened leading up the second world war.
The world can do better than this … why do we have a United Nations when it is completely useless in this type of situation? If this same conflict happened in any other part of the world and didn’t involve Israel, it’s somehow much more clearer to understand and provide a solution for.
Stop the fighting, stop the killing and stop the war … if both sides, any side or whatever side is willing to spend millions and billions on a war machine … they are equally capable of spending millions and billions on peaceful resolutions and negotiations.
Otherwise, we are no different than our ancient ancestors thousands of years ago who just believed that killing enough people will solve the problem.
Most of us have heard the expression “money is the root of all evil.” That’s close, but not quite right. It’s selfishness to the point of greed. “I want it and you can’t have it.” That’s what is destroying the world. Spending money to gain power over others or to get rid of them is just par for the course.
Unless we find a way to solve the problem of greed, whether for resources, money, or power, we will never solve anything.
It needs to be considered a mental illness which one cannot solve alone. Then we can toss the fuckers in charge of fortune 500 companies into looney bins and get society’s shit together.
You can also ask yourself why the blockade on Cuba still exists despite every UN vote going the exact same way…