Eww, that’s some level10 spinjutsu.
Eww, that’s some level10 spinjutsu.
American car company secretly send your driving data to your insurance company so they can squeeze more out from you for any minor reason they see fit. There’s no reason canada insurance company won’t do that. Scared about chinese car collecting your data is kinda missed the point, you should have stronger data protection instead.
Guess how China climb out of the poverty: copycat.
“Safety” you say. So why do you have Cybertruck, the kind of car that isn’t safe for anyone? Removing signal stick is not safety either.
Standard is 30kmph(or 20mph), 40 is honestly a bit too fast for a residential area, but yeah kinda depend on how wide the road of the place and whether it’s directly in front of home or not. Anything beyond that is dangerous.
It’s a good thing i have a weak memory ehh 🤣
I think i’ve played most arkane game up till prey, i heard deathloop is their last good game but it’s also a hit and miss. Prey is super good as well, i think i did like 3 or 4 playthrough, still haven’t play mooncrash though but it’s definitely on my list.
Started to replay Dishonored again to catch up with the story before playing death of outsider. Such a great series. .
My god, the shape of his head will make Dr.Robotnik jealous.
The best one, Zelda 2.
Dang, sounds like i might actually have issue with it since i lie down and game, if it’s too bulky then it might be painful after an hour.
Don’t worry, my time and mental load is too limited for me to game everywhere lol. I just wanna lie down and game maybe for an hour or so.
I have ps1 emulator in my phone and been playing it the past week or so, did not realise that’s the thing i need in my life. I love my N3ds but it’s so bulky and the button placement is so weird it hurt even my small hand. Might get a steam deck as a gaming device next instead of a new pc.
Maybe the ceo of the dealership or elon musk on a few thousand proxy?