Insert <it’s not much but it’s honest work> meme. It only supports ints and bools, some logic and simple arithmetics and it compiles to Java but damn was it hard to get that far.

Can you guess what everything does?

    7 months ago

    People are designing languages with JetBrains MPS and I am making an AWK interpreter in C with Yacc, Lex and my own implementation of ASDL. Why do I do this to myself? It seems like the technology I like is way behind. Like C is a language created for freaking mini-computers like VAX and PDP-11 and I still use it? I knew about MPS, I just felt a strong dislike towards it. Now that I am no longer a pill addict, I have to reconsider the technology I choose to implement my stuff. C lacks portability, and QoL features.

    (Psyche! All you n000bz can be stuck with your Fischer-Price toys — I’ll do it MY way, the 70s WAY!!!1)

    • MinekPo1 [She/Her]
      7 months ago

      don’t worry , it can always get worse . source : I implemented a esoteric programming language of my own making with just a parser (no lexer !) and a tree walking interpreter while reimplementing a standard library and depending on undefined behavior in python . honestly I fear that code more each time I look at it