Is he holding his gun sideways?
Gotta look cool for the cameras
I don’t have anything for scale but something about this man makes me want to say 5’8" and overcompensating.
He probably saw that Brooklyn 99 episode where the one character held it upside down. He was just too stupid to remember the episode.
thats how you know hes a badass gangsta
Yet another meathead cop who’s seen too many action movies.
He really wanted to try out his new takedown moves, but couldn’t get them to work on someone bigger than him, so tried it out on the first person he knew it would work on, regardless that they didn’t actually deserve it.
Well, regardless of context, I can’t imagine a situation where he is correct in pointing a sideways firearm at someone so casually, and who cares if they found meth, everyone needs to be treated respectfully.
More training and suspensions and if it’s a repeat offence then dismissal.
meanwhile Toronto Police Service watching this video: “hire this man”
Not to mention at the dog too.
lol find a dog that won’t try to protect their owner when being aggressive. ACAB
01:09: “Yer such a jerkoff!”
Did that jerkoff get trained in LA or New York? He for sure should never be trusted with a gun or any kind of authority.
charged with mischief
That little ragamuffin…such a ne’er-do-well.