The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police says that they’re “overwhelmed” and are being increasingly “victimized” by activists as officers struggle to respond to a rising number of protests.
“Through immigration, thousands of people, who may have had an orientation towards violence as a means of expression or activism, continue to arrive in Canada every year,” said Carrique. “Protests are an opportunity for the blending of other activist splinter groups, or simply thugs… with a goal to create disruption, often co-opting the original intent of a lawful assembly.”
When pressed for further details about officers who have been doxxed, CACP spokesperson Natalie Wright did not have concrete answers. She said photos of officers have been posted on social media by activists at protests. “In the line of duty, assaults and injuries and even deaths for police officers have been on the rise, and this is of grave concern to your police leaders,” Carrique added.
After the press conference, this reporter, who is visibly Indigenous, was told to leave the event, and was quickly walked out of the conference centre by volunteers.
Whiny baby cops, parading their so-called victimhood for all to see.
Fucking asswipes, every one of them.
As always, ACAB.
Let them say with a straight face that they’re not using ClearView AI (or something similar) to identify protesters who aren’t committing any crimes, then I might have an ounce of sympathy.
I mean…they were doing just fine at systemic racism before they had the help of AI. So no sympathy from me. There’s definitely some cops who try to do good within the system, but the system is broken, so inevitably…ACAB.
TL;DR: It’s immigrants. They’re blaming immigrants for this one. Very “they’re not sending their best” kinda shit if this article is anything to go by. Pushing that whole “countries where people solve their problems with violence” rhetoric.
And I don’t recall our news being flooded with stories of violent protests lately so they seem to be creating their own problems. Like maybe if they just didn’t respond to protests as if they were expecting a battle they wouldn’t have strained resources. Well, there was that one time but I distinctly remember nearly everyone there being white, Canadian, and far-right so…
The rest of the article is just pointing out the coos don’t really have any evidence and are trying to use one case as reason to give themselves special protections. Another case of those with the most power being big ol’ babies when asked to maybe stop abusing said power.
Well, there was that one time
Oh, the time where the cops did fuck all for ages because they had more in common with the “protesters” than the populace they were harassing?
You betcha! And then our useless police chief was so useless that they had to bring in police from elsewhere to do the job finally, and then he resigned.
And then there was a giant inquest where a judge said using special powers wasn’t necessary, but didn’t say “…if the authorities who should have dealt with it had done their jobs”?
Yep, just as bad as I remember.
Also the fact that they kicked the indigenous reporter out, not just anti immigrant just good old fashioned racist. When we should be protesting also because cops have recently killed 6 indigenous people in the span of two weeks across Canada.
Also, if anyone is in BC, make sure you VOTE next month. The conservative leader is promising to give more funding to cops while taking away from “unnecessary government spending” (read: social programs).
*editing to correct my previous statement: they’ve killed 9 indigenous people since August 29
Not to mention putting sick people in prisons
oh no, the poor innocent cops are having their information given to the public, whatever should be done to stop this egregious violation of privacy.
What I want to know is why their information isn’t clearly listed on the police website?
Wouldn’t it be easier to keep the protests peaceful if they didn’t randomly assault, pepper spray, and gas nonviolent attendees?
Sounds like they are being photographed, what’s that the police say? “If you’ve have nothing to hide then what’s the problem?”
deleted by creator
Public servants who are obliged to identify themselves upon request.
Don’t come tell me today that you guys are being mistreated, because sometimes you’re mistreating us
Even with context, fuck that pig.
In the line of duty, assaults and injuries and even deaths for police officers have been on the rise, and this is of grave concern to your police leaders
Citation needed.
"We falsely claim to be society’s bodyguard, and this is how we’re treated? As people you just expect to put themselves in harms way for your safety?
"The fuck is up with that?
“No, I don’t know what a bodyguard does. Why do you ask?”
“Protests are an opportunity for the blending of other activist splinter groups, or simply thugs… with a goal to create disruption, often co-opting the original intent of a lawful assembly.”
Like police provocateurs? Yeah, they’ve been giving protests and protestors a bad name for some time.
“In the line of duty, assaults and injuries and even deaths for police officers have been on the rise, and this is of grave concern to your police leaders,” Carrique added.
Police harass, humiliate, assault, and kill first nations / native Americans and other minority groups almost at leisure, and do nothing to actually protect ordinary people.
They’ll line up in goon gear to beat a kid upset about the destruction of the earth, to protect the billionaire class, though.
Carrique: Police are getting killed and its the immigrants fault.
Reporter : Can we see the evidence of this?
Security: Sir you’re going to have to leave
And of course he has mountains of evidence to support this claim, he wouldn’t just make.up shit like this right?
So Canadian police are getting killed and we learn about this in a “trust me bro” statement with no backing?
I wonder if eating cats make people hate the police more?!?
Don’t you understand that those meanies are taking pictures of them while they’re trying to pepper spray protestors in peace?
Oh no. Won’t someone think of the people who are attracted to and hold a state monopoly on violence.
You can’t dox a public servant whose information is public
Bullies always quick to play the victim.