Here is my brand new (second hand) Elegoo Mars 3 printer.

I’ve had some experience with FDM but this is my first time with resin.

Current progress:

  • Brought a VOC face mask and nitrile gloves. Do I need UV glasses?
  • ordered soy based resin and a wash/cure station
  • installed and found chitubox slicer isn’t great
  • don’t understand plug drilling and hollowing
  • plan to paint mimi’s from it. Advice on painting resin?

I know some of this is basic but I felt it might promt interesting conversation.

    3 months ago

    Do I need UV glasses?

    No. Gloves are a good idea, probably a respiratory too and open air circulation like opening a few windows. But a face shield and UV glasses are overkill.

    Just… don’t be sloppy and careless.

    ordered soy based resin and a wash/cure station

    I didn’t know “soy based resin” was a thing. The wash/cure station is definitely a winner. Highly recommended.

    installed and found chitubox slicer isn’t great

    Never used it before. I’m stuck using Anycubic’s proprietary slicing software which is ok’ish. It gets the job done and prints ok.

    don’t understand plug drilling and hollowing

    Yeah so this is a unique thing for resin printers to deal with, especially with larger prints. It is entirely possible to print an object and have liquid resin sealed up inside a hollow print. Curing can’t penetrative deep enough to cure the trapped resin inside. It becomes a “time bomb” for eventual breaks and leakage.

    Some slicing software recognizes this issue and allows you to place a hole somewhere on the print to allow trapped resin to drain out.

    But since you’re printing minis, it’s not really something you have to be concerned about. Minis are…well… mini and thus not hollow.

    A bit of advice for a new resin user: No matter how well prepared you think you are to contain messes, spills, droplets, etc, you will make a mess. It’s inevitable so plan accordingly and keep tons of paper towers at the ready.

    As to painting, I’m not quite there yet. I just print them, cure them, and play with them as is.