Been thinking about replacing the current smartphone, as the touchscreen seems to be failing(Screen replacement seems to be not so economic).

Saw different colours being offered. Black, White, Blueish and Greenish colours were common.

Does the external body colour affect the efficiency of the phone? Like, in heat going out or going in? Or the ease of cleaning it? White colours seem to show presence of dust etc?

And are there other places where the colour matters?
I’ve read that white roofs generally have a lower heat gain than other ones(without infrared reflecting paint).

    3 months ago

    The answer is yes! It depends on the type of material and the goals. For instance, the iPhone 4 was supposed to have a white version on release but it was delayed. Apple eventually blamed the different in heat and UV radiation being different, if I remember correctly. Vague rumors that it messed with the proximity sensor also floated around. This was during the antenna-gate “you’re holding it wrong” era. Could be all BS and there was no formal explanation given.

    Most times it probably doesn’t affect very much but manufacturing engineers spend a lot of R&D to make sure it doesn’t by the time things to get to consumers!