And they need to address the border too. Their sending too many guns into Canada, which are killing Canadians on Toronto streets.
We’ve tolerated this for way too long
Unironically this.
We should frame it like “our tariffs will remain for a minimum 30 days after your last move”.
This would prevent the daily flip-flopping market manipulation Trump is engaging in, and would create some predictability and consistency for businesses and consumers.
That’s actually quite genius. Bring some predictability on the market so they can’t keep the pump and dump shit going on.
Fair is fair. The Trump admin broke the agreement, we aren’t going back to the previous arrangement if you only go back halfway.
Any inch we give to the orange bastard now will be used to fuck with us later. Happy to hear we’re sticking to our guns
lol I’m old so its hard to break away from freedom units
The Financial Post is American owned media pretending to be Canadian, infiltrating Canadian culture and politics.
This is important to note any time any Postmedia source is used. This is, for all intents and purposes, an arm of the Republican Party.
I hope this headline is true, but yeah for sure fuck Postmedia right in the tight spot.
Well I would hope not. “Compromising” with a bully to only give up half your lunch money isn’t a great plan unless you are just buying time for some other plan.
American here.
Stay strong Canada.
Good on Canada
Elbows up Canadians!!
I’d trust him more if he were actually in any way trustworthy, and hadn’t shown himself for the Trumpian he is. Even if he did have an actual change of heart I wouldn’t believe it unless he stabbed Trump in the eye with an icepick then ate his heart…and even then I’d always think that maybe he ate his heart so he could keep a part of him close forever…