• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • In this case, the context was that there was a threat being made, that voters could be materially harmed by the Chinese government if they did not vote a particular way. This is something that China has a history of actually following through on, so it’s obvious that people took it seriously. I don’t really have a problem with someone voicing their own individual opinion.

    To keep things simple though, probably all social media comments made by someone who is not in Canada related to Canadian politics should not be visible while in Canada. Canadians should be allowed to talk to each other freely. If Canadians want to see how Americans are feeling about our election, they should have to seek that information out from News Outlets, Pollsters, or even just directly talking to someone rather than it just showing up in some random feed on Facebook.

  • That nominal charge seems useless to prevent that specific issue, a daily bus pass is $5 and you can literally just get one from someone who no longer needs it for the day. I’ve given mine away. Even just begging will get you bus fare very quickly.

    I’d rather they do something like “everyone off” when they hit the end of their line, which I believe mostly already happens. That means that people can’t setup on a single bus for multiple hours, but still allows homeless to warm up if they need it for a bit.

    Also, I don’t really care if something “feels’” less safe, I care if it is less safe. I haven’t heard that busses are particularly dangerous for anyone other than the bus drivers lately, the cameras are all installed now, and police do respond pretty quickly when something goes wrong.

  • Every single thing you just pinned on the Liberals or suggested we do was done or attempted by the Conservative government and the UK is just as bad as Canada is right now.

    Unfortunately, no party in Canada is suggesting the policies changes that would actually fix any of these issues. So despite the likely Conservative win next year, we’ll still be worse off in 2029 than we are today. Plus we’ll have regressed socially into permitting hate of certain groups again.
