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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • Same. I always wondered how ideas like giving what you can, loving thy neighbour, and forgiveness to the extreme somehow results in Supply Side Jesus, “Protestant work ethic”, jail time for addictions, “law and order” politics, etc…

    These people have strayed so far from the teachings and I’m not sure how they can claim to follow them and then blame homeless people for being homeless.

  • I got asked by a team of first timers who have never done any professional coding or design if I wanted to chip in on a competitive MMOFPS they want to make.

    That’s not going to happen. Between the rise of cheating, the insane hardware and optimization requirements of an MMOFPS, the general lack of interest in the genre (most have died due to low player counts), and the sheer amount of time and effort involved in designing and balancing the game even after it’s largely feature complete? Forget it, I’m better off buying lottery tickets than hoping for anything to come of that.

  • Stopped myself before I got in as far as you but realized my roadblock is art. I can’t solve this one: I lack the creativity and patience to do the art, and naturally nobody will ever work for free, nor should they.

    I wasn’t really sure how to proceed so I started studying for various tech and cloud certs instead. Might as well put my skills to use somewhere.

  • Beyond his backtracking on election reform when early results indicated it’d be a long, tough battle to actually change and re-educate people?

    Trudeau Liberals bailed the moment they saw they weren’t going to get the ranked ballots they wanted because literally everyone else (including all the advocacy groups) were backing Mixed-Member Proportional.

    He ran on transparency, and while he has been faaaar more transparent than Harper, thats a low bar, and I expect better.

    This is the same government that is sending hundreds and thousands of completely censored pages to committees. This isn’t better than Harper, this is right out of the same playbook.

    Hes had his share of scandals, which isn’t good (SNC, ArriveCan, off the top of my head)

    In all honesty, ArriveCan likely didn’t have as much to do with the Liberals as it did with a long broken procurement process. SNC on the other hand was a direct perversion of justice by the Liberals and Trudeau himself and that alone warrants removal in my eyes.

    I am very left and would not vote Conservative, but the Liberals have shown they are just as capable of crony capitalism, and they are willing to protect Canada’ oligarchs and the economic pyramid scheme.

    If only Singh wasn’t an ass we might see another orange wave, but as long as he’s busy protesting Quebec’s culture that’s never going to happen and Canada will remain divided.

  • A few weeks ago the community manager of the Helldivers Discord got upset and deleted the whole thing. Years of discussions and knowledge (and memes) gone.

    Naturally you can’t even bring up the idea that a Discord community takes on a life past its “owner” once it reaches a certain size or level of activity. “Your container, your rules” say the defenders unironically, while not acknowledging that you neither own the “server” nor make all the rules.

  • Also in more than a decade I didn’t have to replace anything

    Honestly I doubt that. I’ve seen many Macbook failures in my time and they are always things other laptops don’t suffer. I purchase and track IT software and hardware for an organization of over 10k people and I’ve seen what lasts and what doesn’t. The regular laptops we use? We get 4 years out of nearly all of them, and 6 if we replace the batteries and upgrade any dated bits. There are the odd designs that failed early (HP Elitebooks from a few years ago…) but most are reliable.

    There are two devices I avoid buying at all costs and make clients give me a lot of supporting rationale for, because they have poor build quality and are utterly unrepairable: Microsoft Surface, and Apple Macbooks. At scale, running these is incredibly expensive for no good reason.

    Example of an issue that has happened: client was running a bunch of VMs and filled up the SSD on their Dell laptop. I replaced it with a larger SSD rather than buy an entire device. That happens on a Mac? Tough because that SSD is soldered in. On that note, good luck extracting that data if the mainboard fails. That was fun telling someone they lost a mountain of data.