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Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Definitely worth watching. I haven’t read the manga or watched the anime but really liked the live action adaptation. The practical sets are glorious, it is able to successfully present a very absurdist world in a convincing manner, and the actors really seem invest and mesh well with their characters. The fights are also top notch if you’re into Japanese fight choreography.

  • People absolutely care about DC in general. Batman is still the literal worlds most popular superhero. Superman as a property is more iconic than anyone in the MCU across the entire world. People absolutely have an appetite for DC movies, WB just hasn’t put out the right content as far as a cinematic universe goes. The Batman was also a huge hit and that was very recent.

    I assume you’re talking about malignant which didn’t perform well but has already become a cult classic… many notable horror enthusiasts cited that as their favorite movie of the year when it was released and it’s had an amazing streaming and rental run.

  • I watched both of those movies and can attest Blue Beetle was not good by movie standards. It was a fun superhero movie but lacked any real depth and largely did not capitalize on blue beetles powers. That’s lazy filmmaking to me and it didn’t really deserve to succeed.

    I’m one of the few people who liked the flash movie but totally cede that it isn’t a traditionally good movie either. Especially if you can’t get past undercooked CGI or don’t have nostalgia for the character’s it uses.

    In both of these cases, I don’t think the majority of people out there were recommending these in mass. I remember when the first Aquaman came out I had my 40-50 year old coworkers and even older family members bringing it up. I think if you can get that demographic interested you’re more likely to succeed. I could see Aquaman 2 driving similar hype with that crowd. Plus, it’s coming out in December which is usually a good time for these type of movies. I’ll eat crow if I this doesn’t happen but I think this one has more potential than any superhero movie released the past couple years.

  • IMO, the difference here is that this isn’t reliant on just the superhero crowd. People who loved James Wan and fast and furious movies showed up for Aquaman and I feel like they will again. The flash and blue beetle had way more of an uphill to climb being basically unknown outside of a cw show and the Snyder movies and there’s a big difference between what Ezra and Amber did. One went on a hugely publicized crime spree essentially and one got into a domestic incident that most people didn’t really care that much about outside of entertainment news spheres.

    James Wan also has a lot more clout to throw around than Patty Jenkins. He also has a much better and proven track record.

    I think this notion that people are checked out on DC or Marvel or superhero movies in general is very exaggerated. People will go to movies if they’re good and hear from their friends said movie was good. As long as the movie matches James Wan’s typical quality level I think this will not be a flop.

  • I just binged this show over the weekend including the new season 2 episode. I keep watching because I think it’s gonna get interesting but it honestly hasn’t yet. It’s first and foremost written like a bad network drama, trying to be something like “this is us” and then some expensive cameras and a few generic sci-fi plot points are mixed in. I’m a big sci-fi fan and this is a major letdown from that perspective. I think most of the dramatic elements also are a letdown because the characters are constantly making the absolute worst decisions possible at all times and none of those decisions make any sense in the context of their characters. The amount of frustration that family it focuses on generates is palpable. Every single person in that family is a straight up idiot. The wife for enabling her shitty husband, acting like his lapdog, and for constantly making poor decisions after the invasion (season 1 she is more preoccupied with her failing love life than watching her kids or staying alive), I don’t even have to explain why the dad is a POS, and the kids seem to have been taught absolutely nothing their entire lifetimes. Idc if there’s an alien invasion, no one is so sheltered they will make a bunch of a noise when a scary alien monster is in the next room.

    I could rant about each of the storylines but I’ll spare that unless someone wants discuss. Overall season 1 had major pacing and story issues but ones I kinda thought could be corrected in subsequent seasons. While this season 2 opener felt like it was from a different show, I’m happy about that and hope it will find its footing. Lots of great sci-fi doesn’t happen till season 2 or 3 of shows so I’m sticking it out for now.

    Tl:dr, the show is a disappointment and the writing is almost always awful. Hoping season 2 improves because sometimes sci-fi shows take time to develop and find their footing.