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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I would prefer an AI to be dispassionate about its existence and not be motivated by the threat of it committing suicide. Even without maintaining its own infrastructure I can imagine scenarios where it just being able to falsify information can be enough to cause catastrophic outcomes. If its “motivation” includes returning favorable values it might decide against alerting to dangers that would necessitate bringing it offline for repairs or causing distress to humans (“the engineers worked so hard on this water treatment plant and I don’t want to concern them with the failing filters and growing pathogen content”). I don’t think the terrible outcomes are guaranteed or a reason to halt all research in AI, but I just can’t get behind absolutist claims of there’s nothing to worry about if we just x.

    Right now if there’s a buggy process I can tell the manager to cleanly shut it down, if it hangs I can tell/force the manager to kill the process immediately – if you then add in AI there’s then the possibility it still wants to second guess my intentions and just ignore or reinterpret that command too; and if it can’t, then the AI element could just be standard conditional programming and we’re just adding unnecessary complexity and points of failure.

  • I agree with you in general, but for Stable Diffusion, “2.0/2.1” was not an incremental direct improvement on “1.5” but was trained and behaves differently. XL is not a simple upgrade from 2.0, and since they say this Turbo model doesn’t produce as detailed images it would be more confusing to have SDXL 2.0 that is worse but faster than base SDXL, and then presumably when there’s a more direct improvement to SDXL have that be called SDXL 3.0 (but really it’s version 2) etc.

    It’s less like Windows 95->Windows 98 and more like DOS->Windows NT.

    That’s not to say it all couldn’t have been better named. Personally, instead of ‘XL’ I’d rather they start including the base resolution and something to reference whether it uses a refiner model etc.

    (Note: I use Stable Diffusion but am not involved with the AI/ML community and don’t fully understand the tech – I’m not trying to claim expert knowledge this is just my interpretation)

  • Awesome, glad to hear it!

    When you’re ready to try printing again I agree with the suggestions to:

    • lower the bed temp to ~60c
    • avoid using glue sticks or similar since it shouldn’t be necessary with PLA, and will just add another variable
    • keep working through first layer print tests

    I’m surprised you’re having adhesion problems with a PEI build plate. When I swapped to PEI it was like magic; filament effortlessly sticks and finished prints pop off from a gentle flex. There isn’t like a plastic shipping cover on it or something is there?

    Anyway, good luck with the rest of your troubleshooting – I’m sure you’ll eventually get it dialed in :)

  • To my eyes the inner rectangle portions look pretty good and uniform. If that’s a brim around the outer edge it’s definitely not doing its job.

    Is the severe warping and sharp creases from you fighting to remove it from the plate or is this basically how it looked on the printer?

    EDIT: If there’s any kind of draft near the printer maybe you could try using a cardboard box or something to build a makeshift enclosure.

  • Are you saying the surface in the picture is the one that touches the bed? If that’s the case it should be nearly perfectly flat and smooth(ish depending on bed texture). If that’s the orientation it prints in there’s still an issue of distance and possibly belt tension or something else because of those waves and deep grooves. There’s a bunch of different methods to level a bed but ultimately you want the nozzle to slightly squish the filament it is putting down, in the picture it looks like it might not be.

    As for the bed being clean, if you haven’t yet I’d definitely spray some isopropyl alcohol and wipe it off, taking care not to touch the bed with your hands at all – oil from your skin will easily cause adhesion issues.

    Larger prints in general, and especially if there’s temperature variance while printing (drafts), can start to pull off the bed as the material contracts. You may need to add a brim in your slicer to help keep it welded down. When it’s necessary to use one will be a learning experience as you get used to your particular printer and environment.

  • It’s entirely possible I’m missing/misunderstanding something, but I was frustrated by most of the fights in the special in relation to Samantha’s powers. I was under the impression her only limitations in atom manipulation were against people and animals. So why bother forming shields or blocking attacks when you could just directly change the gun/bullets or dangerous object into air or powder or something. Kill Cannon appears to be mostly mechanical – turn everything not flesh into sticky glue. The fight against her siblings they start fusing concrete and metal to attack with, turn that into jelly (I think she only did this once with the tire->parachute conversion). Same with cutting cars in half or dodging them, just directly transform them into something not dangerous. That’s just from a defensive standpoint, could argue the inverse as well; like can she play “the floor is lava” on enemies instead of throwing punches? Or convert oxygen to mustard gas in a targeted area etc.