College Prof in the US, focus areas are Human-Computer Interaction, Cybersecurity, and Machine Learning

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Toxoplasma Gondii - a parasite bred through cat poop. It is extremely common, easily spread through undercooked food (especially meat). It can affect your mental state to engage in riskier and more self destructive behaviors. Testing for Toxoplasma Gondii is not standard, but it is believed that 10-15% of the US population is infected with the parasite at any given time.

  • “We choose to go to the moon and do the other things not because they are easy, but because they are hard. This is just one of those other things.” - My dad quoting JFK at me to get me to do the dishes as a teenager. I don’t think he would remember even saying that to me, but has always stuck with me. Something said about something so monumental being applied to something so benign. But that wasn’t the point, because it was hard for me.

  • I was really active in that sub at the time. Fox or CNN or something contacted the moderators about an interview. The mods discussed it and decided to decline. IIRC, they later made a post about not accepting interviews until they felt they were more ready to present clear goals, and maybe pull someone from the community to be a “official” spokesperson.

    Then a mod went rogue and did the now infamous Fox interview. That was bad, but recoverable. It was further shenanigans by the moderators in the immediate aftermath that caused the schism into work_reform. Before my exodus from reddit, I followed that community closely, but never got as involved. At the time, I remember thinking that the mods felt more reasonable than in antiwork, but that quickly changed too. Eventually they effectively became mirror subs.

    Then RIF got shut down and someone told me about this lemmy federation where I could post about all the gay space communism and fringe technology I wanted. I think that I am happier now overall.

  •"Cancel Culture"
    6 months ago

    Ok, you are entitled to your opinion, but the claim was that Christian churches and Christian church goers weren’t being targeted or “demonized,” which I’ve shown is false. Both with an example from yesterday morning, and an aggregate data set which shows some level of significance. Now, whether you want to argue if it is deserved, or proportional, or whatever else is up to you and your morals. However, the original claim that Christians are not the target of harassment because of their religious affiliation is simply not true.

  • Vivaldi has been my browser of choice for years as well. Fantastic product in my experience. I’ve sadly forced myself to start using firefox and librewolf in an attempt support alternatives to chromium based browsers. Firefox and co. are fine, but I’m still reaching for features and options from vivaldi that just don’t exist in firefox without a maze of incompatible and poorly maintained plugins.