• 24 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • The article mentions that Hurd is also a recursive acronym, but doesn’t go into any more details.

    After looking it up on Wikipedia, I see why not:

    It’s time [to] explain the meaning of “Hurd”. “Hurd” stands for “Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons”. And, then, “Hird” stands for “Hurd of Interfaces Representing Depth”. We have here, to my knowledge, the first software to be named by a pair of mutually recursive acronyms.

  • I watched this for the first time the other day and was shocked they didn’t make more (particularly as I’d noticed some other The Nice Guys titles in imdb but they’re all shorts or what would have been DVD extras once upon a time). Given that this was initially developed as a series, I’m sure they have more stories to tell, It’s a real shame.

    I hate seeing new IPs not get traction as it just leads execs to churn out more of the same old remakes and repeats.

  • The line breaks haven’t worked, here’s it formatted correctly:

    Explanation: it’s mostly due to how js does type conversion.

    For the Ls, it’s:

    • [] is an empty array
    • ![] is treated as false
    • combining a boolean with the empty array returns “false” as a string (so true + [] = “true”, false + [] = “false”)
    • ! + [] is treated as true
    • ! + [] + ! + [] is treated as 2 since true + true = 1 + 1 = 2
    • so you have “false”[2], which is l

    for the o it’s:

    • [] is an empty array
    • [] + {} returns “[object Object]” as a string ({} + [] returns 0)
    • ![] is false
    • !![] is true
    • +!![] casts it to an integer
    • so that part is “[object Object]”[1], which returns “o”-