Since individuals aren’t 501©3 non-profits it wouldnt be tax deductible and is treated by the IRS as a gift, so a gift tax may apply depending on amount given. Just in case you were curious as to why it’s not a tax write-off.
USB-C wasn’t designed until 2014. So yeah you’ll need a charging cable regardless
Don’t forget a charger, otherwise you’ll be screwed for awhile
Kissinger didn’t give a shit about the Jewish people, or people at all, even after seeing first hand the horrors of the Holocaust. Kissinger backed the genocide of Bengali Hindus, personally approved bombings in Cambodia, directly influenced the reign of terror that would murder thousands of Chileans, and told Nixon that the gassing of Soviet Jews wasn’t America’s concern. He called US jews who called for action against the Soviets “self serving bastards” and completely ignored his own heritage when visiting his home town in Germany.
Amazing that you would claim him when he wouldn’t claim you.
Scanning your own ID probably won’t be a thing since it won’t be able to determine whether the ID belongs to you or not.
That’s a funny way to say “murder”…
Plot twist: he’s been lost in the foggy woods for a year and has come full circle.
It’s the 10th amendment. All other 9 amendments and many thereafter are in relation to human rights.
And states rights and human rights can actually go hand in hand, as seen by state legislatures that have passed assisted suicide, same-sex marriage, and legal cannabis laws. It has also been used to ensure electors cast their vote for the nominee or candidate who received the most votes from the people.
Unfortunately it’s also been co-opted as a racist, misogynist dog whistle.
That’s literally how every place with a night shift operates.
Man, now there’s a name and book I haven’t thought about in awhile. Might be time for a reread!
It’s “groos” which he made up on the spot.
What would shooting yourself accomplish? They’d just replace you within a week.
Fahrenheit: 0=cold, 50=mild, 100=hot
Celsius: 0=moderately cold, 50=dangerously hot, 100=dead
It makes no difference to me if the boiling point of water is 100°C or 212°F, if I see it boiling the pasta goes in.
In a scientific context Celsius and metric in general are superior without a doubt. But to live my life Fahrenheit works just fine.
Gas ovens are not necessarily going to cause asthma. You can mitigate the amount of air pollution that they produce but having a gas oven doesn’t necessarily mean a child will develop asthma or that they will even be the cause. Florida has a very small amount of gas stoves and yet have a median share of asthmatic children. There’s too many other factors that can effect the data link to say for sure that gas ovens are a leading cause.
There’s a picture of a mug on the Wikipedia page with the warning.
Furthermore, Prop 65’s name isn’t all it does. The Prop 65 labels you see in products are there because of the second part of the act. “No person in the course of doing business shall knowingly and intentionally expose” anyone to those chemicals “without first giving clear and reasonable warning.”
That’s what the warning labels are for. It has little to do with the production process and disposal process, and is there to warn the consumer of the final product being purchased and what it contains.
The biggest issue with Prop 65 is that the lost of chemicals includes things that cause cancer under specific conditions that consumers aren’t likely to encounter and chemicals only known to cause cancer in animals. Ceramic fiber is a listed chemical, which means you need a Prop 65 label on ceramic mugs, even though ceramic fiber exposure would only occur upon breaking the mug and the effects would be negligible unless you’re crushing mugs up into powder and railing the lines like Tony Montana.
Do you have a Microcenter near you? Their prices are usually the best I’ve found. They have some shippable gaming laptops that just barely miss the specs or price target you have from what I saw but it’s worth looking into.