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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Donebrach@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlIt can't be
    27 days ago

    It may be apocryphal, but supposedly one of my brother’s elementary school teachers was going on one day about how it’s impossible to see the moon during daylight and a kid pointed out the window and said “it’s right there.”

    Seems pretty stupid but knowing where I grew up I don’t disbelieve it happened.

  • Another facet (at least specifically in America) is to de-stigmatize discussing personal income among the working class. We’ve been melt-brained hard to think it’s as private and taboo as discussing one’s most deep and darkest sexual kinks when really it’s just a tool of the owners to keep workers indentured in the wage-slave economy.

  • Donebrach@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlEA gonna EA
    4 months ago

    Considering that most titles are cross platform I’d say it’s actually much more difficult to produce games these days than it was in the past (see Cyberpunk’s shaky release due to it trying to run on everything under the sun at launch—and being forced out too early due to investor demand). It’s not like game engines and other development tools make it so people press a button that says “make game” and the game pops into existence.

    My main point is that games have not actually gone up in price for over two decades. And, as you have pointed out as well, there are an awful lot of actual things to complain about with the gaming industry. The out of pocket cost we pay to play the games is really not one of them.

  • Donebrach@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlEA gonna EA
    4 months ago

    So… Like I said, there are plenty of things to complain about in the gaming industry aside from the price of AAA titles (which contrary to your claim) have remained priced at about $60 for the past 20+ years. These so-called price hikes are non-existent, and based on inflation, are actually price decreases. Yes, most profits for everything (not just games) go to the CEOs and investors, that is the root cause of the destruction of the western world.

    Also there are myriad fantastic indie titles that only cost like $20 so, uh, go play them instead?

    As for your claim of digital releases briefly being cheaper than physical copies—I don’t recall that ever being a thing. Granted, I was mostly a console gamer from the 90s through the early 2010s so maybe I missed that.

  • Donebrach@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlEA gonna EA
    4 months ago

    So because someone made something as a hobby that means other people shouldn’t be paid for work? Also, sure, tools exist to ease in the production of a game (and in every other creative media), doesn’t negate the fact that people’s talent and work are what make the product exist.

  • Donebrach@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlEA gonna EA
    4 months ago

    I’m not at all defending advertisements because, like every single person on earth, I hate them. However, the constant complaint that ~games are expensive~ is more and more becoming absolutely out of touch. Considering how complex modern games are from a software standpoint, they are fucking cheap as hell. $60 for (generally speaking) 40+ hours of entertainment is a goddamn bargain, not to mention they’ve mostly been priced the same for the better part of two decades. Y’all realize actual people make these things right? People who need to be paid for the work they do? Of all the absolute shit that happens behind the scenes and in plain daylight in the gaming industry, I think we can find better things to bitch about than the price of games.

  • Welcome to investor-stage capitalism where nothing is worth anything other than to the brief returns for the investor. If the investor has not made marginal profit it is time to kill, kill, kill, regardless of the product; be that a studio, a game, a food, a medicine, a house. Better burn it to the ground than risk any marginal loss. (Ignore of course the lack of product, content, value, etc that would actually entice someone to buy—the only reason a company should exist is to give money to investors—no product should come before that!)