• 4 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 29th, 2024

  • I almost never buy multiplayer-focused games anymore. Of course not all gamers are shitty, but enough are to matter. Having left those games behind I can see how they were taking more joy from my life than they added. If friends want to do private co-op that’s cool, but it’s also rarer now that we’re all older.

    As far as sales go, I love playing a year or two behind new releases. Patched games at a discount ftw and timing doesn’t matter in single-player games.

  • Worked through my obsessions a bit and let go of them. In the following weeks I asked three women out and got shot down each time instead of thinking about doing so for a month and being a creep.

    Unironically, good on you. That’s character progress and it takes a lot of courage and self-confidence to accept rejection in a mature way and keep trying regardless. For what it’s worth I as an Internet stranger think we should help more people do the same sort of things.

  • I’d say it’s sometimes ok, sometimes necessary for brevity, and sometimes accurate. Accurate = “All people need oxygen, water, and calories to survive.” Brevity = “Generally speaking, people enjoy good food and good company so those situations work well for forming relationships.”

    Consequences of generalizations have a lot to do with how tolerable they are. If I say, “most people like pizza” there’s not much harm if several million people don’t. If I say, “all or most people of this gender/ethnicity/religion/whatever have X problem” that’s a lot more problematic because it can easily lead to a consequence of harmful prejudice. When it comes to matters of ethics, beliefs, accusations etc. it becomes very important to handle cases individually as much as humanly possible.

  • That’s the face I made about a week into trading Reddit participation in for Lemmy participation or just break-from-social-media time. Conversations feel more genuine, there’s less overbearing moderation (at least in my experience), and if there’s nothing new on Lemmy I’ve probably spent enough time reading forums anyways. I’m only keeping my 13-year-old Reddit account to keep track of old favorited posts and specialist forums like specific video game tips.

  • One of the most important things to remember about scams is that there’s almost never an “act now” urgency with legitimate investigations/actions. Even in cases of crimes where people are arrested on the spot they have the right to talk to a lawyer before anything proceeds legally. The authorities are not contacting groups of citizens over the phone to tell them they’ll be arrested/lose everything in 24 hours if they don’t comply.

    If someone is telling you that you need to do something IMMEDIATELY and you need reassurance, first off realize it’s almost certainly a load of crap. Tell them to send their requests to you in writing, hang up, and contact your bank and/or the institutions that are apparently investigating you (CRA, Police, etc.)

  • How about we just avoid the long arguments and jump to the end:

    • Pro-Biden: Biden is only a war criminal. Trump will actually ruin the USA while being no better (or even worse) internationally. It’s a loss for no gain. If Trump wins I’m going to blame anyone who voted 3rd party or didn’t vote. We need people to vote Biden regardless of their ethical/financial concerns about the billions being sent abroad and how they are being used. It’s that important to stop Trump and MAGA.
    • Anti-Biden and also Anti-Trump: Democrats never meaningfully change to court any voters left of center. Every 4 years they bank on their Republican opponent being so awful that it scares people into voting Dem because “it’s the most important election ever”. Biden has crossed the line by participating in Israeli crimes in spite of most Americans wanting otherwise. If he loses you should blame his policy and Democrat apathy to our concerns instead of us - we’re sick of having to support the lesser evil. Threatening to vote 3rd party or withholding our vote is the only way left to meaningfully demand change and proper representation of deeply important concerns.
    • Pro-Trump: Popcorn time while we watch libs argue and vote for our (literally painted) golden leader to “restore” an impossibly perfect past that never existed. Even if he acts like a dictator for a while sometimes that’s what is needed.

    There. After so many of these threads I can near guarantee 90%+ will fall roughly into those categories.

  • Is anyone else annoyed by the advice that young people should give up hope of paying their own mortgage for their own home in favor of paying their landlord’s mortgage via rent? “People need to shift the idea that to be successful you have to own a home. It’s just not going to be in the cards for some people, and they’re in a worse position for trying to own a house,” she said.”

    I say that instead of telling young people to give up on goals we should, as a nation, protect owning a home as if it was a basic necessity and do something about large %'s of homes/condos being owned by investors. It was possible to buy a home on a single income just a few generations ago. I’m sure it can be again if we make housing security a priority.

  • GrymEdm@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlThink about it...
    6 months ago

    Closets have no need to worry about being phased out so long as there are Republican politicians who secretly love LGBTQ+ sex. “It’s happened so many times that it’s almost become predictable at this point. The louder someone is about the righteous conservative Christian lifestyle they’re leading, the more likely they are to be stepping out on their wives or having secret gay affairs because if there is one thing you can count on in life, it’s for Republicans not to practice what they preach.”