The problem is these people solved some novel problem in the world with their programming skills and it made them really rich. They have been lavished with praise, money, and attention their entire lives. They think they’re smart and that gives them license to invite themselves into other areas that they have no experience in. An example is obviously Elon Musk wading in to government, but even back during Covid he was making predictions about the spread of the disease, even though he has no background in medical science. His predictions were wildly wrong. Marc Andreessen is no different, and it doesn’t help that he literally looks like a cone head.
Bro, I worked for a company that literally offered us and non-technical staff a coding boot camp. I asked if I could be promoted if I did the boot camp since they were offering it to people a level above me. I already knew everything in the boot camp, as did everyone I worked with. They refused. But, then they also laid my team and I off a month later and some how kept all the people that did the boot camp. It made no damn sense. It’s like the higher ups had no idea what a boot camp was, but thought it would be cutting edge and innovative if it was offered. They were clueless. Meanwhile, they cut everyone with those skills.