If you have an American flag in Canada, there are only 2 options. 1 you’re a traitor, or 2, you’re an enemy.
If you have an American flag in Canada, there are only 2 options. 1 you’re a traitor, or 2, you’re an enemy.
How about canada sends a small gift at rapid speeds to that fuck.
Shaving revolution. I literally just bought them off Amazon, and they had good reviews. Bought 100 for 20 dollars. It says Japanese, but I’m honestly just going off thier word. That said I have 0 complaints, they work great.
So many people around me don’t trust cbc. And that’s ok, never completely trust a media outlet. But then they go regurgitate whatever fox News says like it’s the fucking Bible.
Nah, bro. Never block or ignore enemy media. Because if you do, you don’t know what the enemy is thinking. Keep your enemies close.
I didn’t buy a Henson but I bought something close and I havent bought a new blade in 3 years. But I only shave in the summers when I need to be clean shaven. Once the initial spend is done the upkeep is next to nothing. And that even if you buy the douchy shave bars. My grandpa uses a single razor and I bought him a gift pact of very nice shave soap 6 years ago, he still has 1 can left.
Wether American or not, switching away from those dumb disposable razors was the best choice of my life. I got my blades from Japan and haven’t bought a new bundle in 3 years.
Delete this now, and Don’t you ever compare him to the legend that is Gary Oldman ever again.
You sully his name good sir or madam.
Ill be voting liberal that’s for sure. It won’t matter because I’m in an overwhelming conservative voting region. But I will vote.
Now we have to deal with the Russian threat on our doorstop too. Just send one troop down there. It only takes one.
The only good thing he has done.
I’m seriously mentally preparing for an armed conflict.
Not even a bit surprised. The average person only looks at the good press and doesn’t look at any of the terrible shit he does.
That sub reddit is also just a pool of self dock sucking. They have to make it so only their members can post because other people come in with things like facts and reason and just demolish them.