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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 25th, 2024


  • PassingThrough@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlGet rich quick
    3 months ago

    Forgive me, I’m no AI expert to fully compare the needed tokens per second measurement to relate to the average query Siri might handle, but I will say this:

    Even in your article, only the largest model ran at 8/tps, others ran much faster, and none of these were optimized for a task, just benchmarking.

    Would it be impossible for Apple to be running an optimized model specific to expected mobile tasks, and leverage their own hardware more efficiently than we can, to meet their needs?

    I imagine they cut out most worldly knowledge etc/use a lightweight model, which is why there is still a need to link to ChatGPT or Apple for some requests, would this let them trim Siri down to perform well enough on phones for most requests? They also advertised launching AI on M1-2 chip devices, which are not M3-Max either…

  • PassingThrough@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlGet rich quick
    3 months ago

    Onboard AI chips will allow this to be local.

    Phones do not have the power to ~~~

    Perhaps this is why these features will only be available on iPhone 15 Pro/Max and newer? Gotta have those latest and greatest chips.

    It will be fun to see how it all shakes out. If the AI can’t run most queries on the phone with all this advertising of local processing…there’ll be one hell of a lawsuit coming up.

    EDIT: Finished looking for what I thought I remembered…

    Additionally, Siri has been locally processed since iOS 15.


  • PassingThrough@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlGet rich quick
    3 months ago

    I think there’s a larger picture at play here that is being missed.

    Getting the weather is a standard feature for years now. Nothing AI about it.

    What is “AI” is, Hey Siri, what is the weather at my daughter’s recital coming up?

    The AI processing, calculated on-device if what they claim is true, is:

    1. the determination of who your daughter is
    2. What is a recital? An event? Are there any upcoming calendar events that match this concept?
    3. Is the “daughter” associated with this event by description or invitation? Yes? OK, what’s the address?
    4. Submit zip code of recital calendar event involving the kid to the weather API, and churn out a reply that includes all this information…

    Well {Your phone contact name}, it looks like it will {remote weather response} during your {calendar event from phone} with {daughter from contacts} on {event date}.

    That is the idea between on-device and cloud processing. The phone already has your contacts and calendar and does that work offline rather than educating an online server about your family, events and location, and requests the bare minimum from the internet, in this case nothing more than if you opened the weather app yourself and put in a zip code.

  • I’ll take a compromise where “3.1” is etched in each head end, and I can trust that “3.1” means something, and start with that.

    The real crux of the issue is that there is no way to identify the ability of a port or cable without trying it, and even if labeled there is/was too much freedom to simply deviate and escape spec.

    I grabbed a cable from my box to use with my docking station. Short length, hefty girth, firm head ends, certainly felt like a featured video/data/Dock cable…it did not work. I did work with my numpad/USB-A port bus thing though, so it had some data ability(did not test if it was 2.0 or 3.0). The cable that DID work with my docking station was actually a much thinner, weaker feeling one from a portable monitor I also had. So you can’t even judge by wiring density.

    And now we have companies using the port to deviate from spec completely, like the Raspberry Pi 5 technically using USB-C, but at a power level unsupported by spec. Or my video glasses that use USB-C connections all over, with a proprietary design that ensures only their products work together.

    Universal appearance, non-universal function, universal confusion.

    I hate it. At least with HDMI, RCA, 3.5mm, Micro-USB…I could readily identify what a port and plug was good for, and 99/100 the unknown origin random wires I had in a box worked just fine.

  • Actually, that leads me to another point:

    One upon a time, the concept behind a universal USB-C connector was so we could do exactly that.

    Laptop? Phone? Camera? America? Germany? Japan? Power? Connect the to TV? Internet?

    Wouldn’t matter anymore. USB-C to cover it all. Voltage high for the laptop, low for the camera, all available just the same in every country, universal. So yes, fill the airports and hotels with them. Use them for power and to play videos on the TV. Because we weren’t supposed to have to question the voltage or abilities of the ports and cables in use.

    Did/will that future materialize?

  • I feel the only place for a €1 cable is met by those USB-A to C cables that you get with things for 5V charging. That’s it. And it’s very obvious what the limits on those are by the A plug end.

    Anything that wants to be USB-C on both ends should be fully compatible with a marked spec, not indistinguishable from a 5V junk wire or freely cherry picking what they feel like paying for.

    Simply marking on the cable itself what generation it’s good for would be a nice start, but the real issue is the cherry picking. The generation numbers don’t cover a wire that does maximum everything except video. Or a proprietary setup that does power transfer in excess of spec(Dell, Raspberry Pi 5). But they all have the same ends and lack of demarcation, leading to the confusion.

  • As someone with video glasses like those included here, it might be a step forward but it has a lot of room for improvement before it will survive mass market.

    For starters, unlike a screen, these glasses must be tailored to your eyesight. If you wear prescription, you will need to fit double glasses or have some ability for the video ones to be prescription. And a huge problem in the market right now is pupil distance, or eye spacing/head size. Mass market wants one-size-fits all, but that means those outside the designed size will have difficulty using them if they can at all.

    These are problems currently experienced with the current market like Rokid, XReal, and Viture.

    And then of course there’s power, if we keep to 1080p we’ll need more computing power and battery than a Steam Deck screen, which some handhelds might be able to accommodate, maybe more so depending on the weight and shape trades of the new style. But so far it might be disappointing, especially if it has the appearance of a huge screen and still needs to low-res upscale/FSR to meet performance.

    Just my thoughts. Still cool, but no confidence in it as a winner yet.

  • Because “protecting the children” is an easier political fight than trying to save adults from their own freedom, and the internet is not as clearly a threat as guns or drugs. And even guns are hard to restrict…

    As an adult you have a right to make bad choices, as well as certain constitutional rights, and unless controlling your rights can be readily accepted as required for the public good(like keeping you from driving a 2 ton murder box without training), it will die politically very, very quickly as government overreach.

    And even then there are many who think driver’s licenses are a violation of their freedoms. You think we can control their social media/free speech outlets?

  • I didn’t really have words for it then like I might now with the benefit of hindsight and outside observation…back then I just eventually recognized that it wasn’t making me feel good to participate, more drained and yet I had the need to continue.

    Imagine a school social scene. Imagine those youthful desires to express yourself, the need to be recognized as a person and feel seen and maybe even appreciated by those around you. Maybe you decorated your notebooks or locker or dressed “weird” for expression, maybe you tried to enter different cliques and make friends, even shallow false ones for clout. Maybe you suffered under the school bully who always put you down. Maybe you were the bully, looking down on others to elevate yourself.

    Now scale that up to what might appear to be the countless billions connected to the web. Now the whole world could be your friend, but also your enemy. You are now a mere speck in a sea of others begging for that same recognition. You post something, and an artificial number goes up to declare your success, but you need it to go higher, reach farther. That same number is also a testament to your failure to matter to literally thousands or millions of people instead of at most a couple hundred you could meet in school and town. You could lose hope, fall into depression that you are worthless, or try ever harder, ever edgier, ever more extreme to try and matter. In addition to your own image, you can also try to put others down, bully them and attempt to decrease their visibility, their reach, so it doesn’t eclipse yours. Just like they’ve been doing to you.

    I was too meek to be the bully or the bitch, so my social media experience was trying to go beyond my means and post things that I thought would matter and get seen, while usually being beaten down by those who were not afraid to be assholes about my very existence. And always feeling that I hadn’t reached enough, accomplished enough. That I wasn’t “winning”. Made a whole MySpace page with all the cool widgets just to see a visitor counter(barely) go up. Tried to post my thoughts to a young Facebook and Twitter just to be told I should kill myself, if it reached anyone.

    Kids and teens have enough trouble keeping stable in an environment where they have to work with 50-100 people a day at worst…and now they feel the need to catch the eye of millions. The struggle and burden on their mental state scales with it.

    And this is before we start a discussion on today’s prevalence of malicious intent, pedophiles and abusers you can’t just walk away from and ignore, if you even recognize the threat. And before we weigh in on the corporations with their own nefarious exploitation of whatever makes more engagement and therefore money.

    I’m older now and I can see this all for what it is and navigate around it to meet my needs without falling for it anymore, I don’t care at my age about the likes or upvotes aside from maintaining enough to get into the communities that set a bar to prevent spam. That’s all I need it for, so there’s an achievable goal now instead of an enduring need for ever more that kids have.

  • TBH I really do think there should be some regulations in place. I grew up on social media and it was bad enough for me that I got away from it…mostly, obviously I’m here…but I look at the next generation afraid for them and their future as I see these platforms define their very reasons to exist today. It’s so much worse today as they were able to get hooked younger and at their most impressionable.

    I’m not even sure it can be safely cured at this point without some nuclear option. Kids today don’t know anything else.

    I could blame the parents, but most of that generation is almost as addicted many of them don’t see the problem either.