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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • My friend, I’ll take your first point in good faith. It is in the right it’ll take a long time to fall apart. True. Thank you, I’m cheered up. I will kindly offer the following for the rest of your comment, as honest freindly help. You present a false analogy fallacy, we’re talking passenger losses, not stations. Then you segue into a slippy slope fallacy. I mean, it’s a nice comment and all, but factually 97% count on users or 103% is just noise it the data. We cannot conclude much at all from it and that’s why it’s factually and honestly, disappointing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Copyright is fucking wierd and an anomaly. It has only existed very recently in all history. Part of the reason we have the works of Shakespeare is due to the fact that there was no copyright then, so taking a part of someone else’s work and rehashing into something new was common and innovative. Disney do this with old folk stories, but then they get to “copyright” it? It’s abhorrent. It stifles further creativity. Take that horrible weirdo TERF who wrote some wizarding shit. She would have done very nicely without copyright protection. It’s not needed. So-called “piracy” is just normal behaviour. Nothing wrong with it.

  • Yes I absolutely do practice what I preach. I get my milk from dairy in reusable glass bottles, delivered by an electric vehicle. I work from home as a programmer and use public transport instead of a car. I avoid buying things in plastic (meat from local butchers, I walk too) vegetables from local farm shop. I use refillable for all washing products and I buy secondhand clothes, yet I am in a 6 figure salary as is my wife - who also works from home. We reuse any plastics that awe do get, as a preference, or recycle as a last resort I have solar panels to power the house and ground source heating . When we do use a car, of course, we have an electric car.

  • YTA. The phrase, “reduce, reuse, recycle” is written in that order precisely because it is most important to save the environment by reducing our consumption (not buying raisins we don’t need). It is a magnitude worse to move to the second one, reuse (reuse pots instead of buying new jars). It is a magnitude worse to move to the last one, recycle, almost pointless in fact to do this (recycling good pots into something else). You might as well set fire to a pile of coal. Your wife is golddust, she’s a very special person with a deep understanding of the real world.