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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023


  • This is real. It’s also one reason why laws against gay sex were on the books in many states until finally overturned by the Supreme Court in 2003 in Lawrence v Texas. Sometimes police would use the laws directly, but more commonly since gay sex was considered a criminal activity, landlords would use it as an excuse to deny lgbt people housing or evict them.

  • Thank you for this thoughtful comment. I was also quite worried after reading this post and you took all the words right out of my mouth. Conversations about functional disorders (if that’s what’s going on) can be very tough and aren’t always handled the best, or are unfortunately sometimes avoided entirely even if that’s the suspicion. There’s also still a ton of stigma out there about them (including inside the medical community) due to outdated Freudian theories without much if any factual basis and other myths like the symptoms are imagined or something. Different varieties of functional neurologic disorders may compromise up to a third of all outpatient neurology visits at least in part, the symptoms can be as broad reaching as the nervous system itself, and there’s still so much we don’t know about them with a great need for more research. I’ve found https://fndhope.org/ to be a great online evidence based resource for patients and families.

  • It’s not toothless. There is an existing law that allows the government to issue their own licenses for drugs still under patent developed using at least some amount of tax payer money under certain circumstances. It’s pretty broadly worded in the law when this can be done, so previously regulations were made to define the circumstances more precisely. The administration is issuing a new regulation that says one of those circumstances will now include if the drug is high priced limiting its access. Because new regulations issued by the executive branch have a mandatory public comment period after they are proposed before they take effect, its not active quite yet but will be soon (that’s why every headline about this is using the dumb vague word of threaten). The drug companies are already promising to sue to try and overturn the new regulation. So yeah it’s got teeth.