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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • It’s important to remember that not every litre of water is the same as every other liter of water.

    It’s really important to watch water use if you’re using groundwater in Texas or California, but water is a renewable resource in many places and it isn’t a problem to use water as long as it’s properly managed. For example if you remove water from a river, purify it, use it for something benign like cooling making sure not to add anything to it, process it so you’re not impacting the ecosystem, then return it to the same river, then you’ve used water, but you didn’t really consume anything.

    On the other hand, if you polute that water, or you damage local ecosystems, or if you’re pulling water out of non-renewable sources, that’s a problem. Environmentalism must be local, there are few universal answers.

  • Orthodox Jews and confucian Chinese are both deeply conservative because those ideologies are deeply conservative. I chose them because most people wouldn’t say such a hateful thing about those two groups since they’re not what you typically imagine when someone says “conservative”.

    The juxtaposition of attaching the original writers hateful generalization with communities with a history of being oppressed and the statement that I will try to be more open minded is supposed to be ironic, like “I’ll be more open minded in the future and remember that Orthodox Jews fear everything and hate everything”

  • Wish I could give more than one upvote given that the balanced view you present is obviously controversial amongst a Reddit crowd.

    I think the other thing that maybe people need to remember is that there’s pretty much always someone further left than you, and there’s a good chance they consider you a conservative. There’s always another further out there idea, and in that way a lot of people who used to be lefties turned into conservatives simply by not picking up on the new thing. Then it’s guilt by association, instead of just being one tick less progressive, people end up getting tired with all of the worst brushes.

    Another thing that is a reality that isn’t going to make a lot of people happy is virtually every culture has conservatives of some kind. There are conservatives in africa, and in asia – there’s a lot of conservatives in Asia in fact. There’s conservatives amongst the Jews, there’s conservatives amongst the Indians and in the Middle East. And not all of that conservatism comes from one place.

    The world is a lot more complicated than people seem to think, and we’re starting to see that coming to fruition because not everyone who opposes Western liberal conservatism is a western liberal.