I have an oracle free tier vps that I run reverse proxy on and have certs for subdomains for a domain I got on cloudflare. Cloudflare dns points to the vps, apache server proxy on port 80/443. On the vps I also have tailscale and another tailscale on a server at home advertising routes.
So I have music.mydomain for subsonic and plex.mydomain and files.mydomain for nextcloud, etc.
Its normal https web traffic so weird ports dont need to be accessed or remembered.
Im also killing myself on the 25th lol. During my partner’s exam I’m going to my favorite bench, drinking a bunch of benzos and vodka, and then shooting myself. Ive had it planned for a while. Life isn’t worth living anymore. I have too many mental health issues and trauma and have been fighting too long and can’t imagine fighting for another 50 or 60 years.
I have thought about killing myself every day of my life since middle school and it is so freeing to have a solid plan and todo list of what I actually need to finish before I get to kill myself. I’ve tried before but I realize now I didn’t actually want it as much then. I finally feel calm. I’m finally ok with just being a statistic.