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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • A close friend was raised in the Carolinas. They were taught that the civil war was about “states rights”. It wasn’t until they were an adult that they did their own looking into what “rights” the southern states were fighting for. It really opened my eyes to how the blinders have been put on so many people. I’m 100% sure that I have my own set, but it’s important to remember, and engage these people when you have an opportunity.

  • 1)I generally don’t sweat a ton.
    2)The sweat I do have isn’t particularly odorous. 3)My spouse says that they LIKE the way I smell.

    I’ve tried antiperspirant a few times but it makes my armpits itch about the same as poison ivy. Last time I had to get some anti-it h cream because it was driving me insane. Even “mild” deodorant causes issues after a few days of wear.

  • I’m pretty much the target for this, I travel a lot for work and it’d be nice to have a place to “office” out of, but the competition here is:

    1. Free - Even after checking out of my hotel, the lobby always has a corner or two to work in and decent wi-if. 1a) I have status at one chain and they’re always great about just letting me walk in to any of the chain and suck up some internet and plug in my laptop, even if I wasn’t staying there. Bonus is that they usually have coffee!

    2. Free - my car. With tethering my phone to my laptop, I’ve done more calls than I care to admit by just finding a random shady place to park the car and get to work. 2a) The park (when it’s nice enough outside)

    3. Free- Libraries - The public library system is great. Not a good place to take calls, but if you need a place with a chair and internet to do some work, it’s an option.

    4. Free - Client’s offices. I have a good enough relationship with a number of clients that I can ask to take over an empty desk (one even has an empty office with a KILLER view of the city that they’re just fine with me taking over for a couple hours.

    5. Cheap - Coffee shops. Buy a drink (bonus) and grab a seat for a bit. They’re super abundant and you can almost always find one close to your next meeting.

    I’m certain that WeWork has its benefits, but competing with free is pretty hard.