The primordial code from the Quake engine in pretty much ever 3d game giggles at the passage of time
The primordial code from the Quake engine in pretty much ever 3d game giggles at the passage of time
And that’s fine, some people like canned static. I happen to like deep fried bull testicles
Crt TV static in a can
It rotates, currently a lot of filk (Space Asshole and Pushing the Speed of Light are favorites) last month I was listenig to Aviators(Can You Hear It?, Stay Dead) The Birthday Massacre(Kill the Lights, Divide), E.M.M.P. (any of their tzeentch tracks and This Quiet Offends Slannesh) but if you just want to get absolutely torched and just vibe? Stone Rebel, albums of just pure vibe.
I am stealing that mmand name for tabletop
Fuck that we broke away centuries ago.
First one was before the Solar system finished forming, no life, it was also the size of Mars. The Moon is a combination of matter from that object and matter thrown up from Earth. Second one was tiny by comparison and we actually are pretty sure we found the crater
Shit you just described my niece, a self professed stalinist.
Just for the record I agree with you, but the opposite of that final question is true, why shouldn’t she be a white dude, or a PoC man? Ranching/farming isn’t a job that requires a specific gender or sex.
Source on Canadian cheese being better.
You mean, “Aliens are labor, food and meatshields. Robots are to keep them in check and profitable.”
Then it hits the Stellaris subs and shit get weird
All about that Germanium based food personally
Advertising dlc is ok in my opinion, it’s for the product you’re using and not everyone checks for new dlc
Actually there are swords that were in fact peasant level weapons, because they were farm equipment like machetes are
So this is how Shibidi Toilet really started
Such a little cutie I love Dumbo rats
The Monad is also the name Gnostics chose to refer to the creator deity as they saw the God of Genesis as evil and a pretender
Except he’s right.
And everyone is eating it up, didn’t know borscht was so popular