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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • You also don’t know what she’s going through either because the article did not provide any detail at all. For all we know, she could have an easily treated chemical imbalance. I think the point is that a 27 year old without a terminal illness shouldn’t just be able to commit medically assisted suicide.

    I don’t know what this person has gone through because it doesn’t say in the article, but 27 is still young. It’s also possible that this is a huge mistake that she would regret with hindsight (well SHE wouldn’t, but all of her loved ones certainly would).

  • There is an excellent book called “Alaric the Goth” by Douglas Boin that goes into a great amount of detail into the cultural shift. A big shift was when Honorius stripped freedom of religion away, this served to move Roman society towards Christianity and reinforced the view of the tribes as barbarians.

    And correct, actually incorporating non-Romans into the military was a great way for those tribes to attain a stable life after since they enjoyed the same benefits as Roman soldiers for their service. When that was stripped away, they also would be subjected to terrible treatment and often had poor provisions.

  • This was not the Vandals, it was the Visigoths led by Alaric I. The sacking of Rome followed years of rights being stripped away from tribal peoples as a new Cesar transitioned from a period of equality where the tribes enjoyed Roman status, to Emporer Honorius who stripped all that away. This also led to a period of famine and terrible treatment where they were viewed as barbarians, when in fact many left their Pagan ways behind to become Christians.

    Alaric I himself was denied a generalship in the regular Roman army, an accomplishment that would have been granted before Horonius.

    So, no, comparing this sniveling group of Trump Terds to the Visigoths is wholly inaccurate. It would be more correct to compare it to Native A.erican wars that followed the Trail of Tears, or any of the many atrocities we committed against native peoples.

    https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1449/sack-of-rome-410-ce/#:~:text=In August of 410 CE,Rome and sacked the city.

  • You’ve missed the mark on two counts:

    1. Musk raised $44B of real money to buy Twitter and bring it into private ownership. I’m saying had he just left well enough alone, he could have used that money for other purposes
    2. Your point on adding more supply to the real estate market to prop up prices is the opposite of Econ 101 - more supply, all things equal, will reduce prices. Mental health is a much larger barrier to receiving help for the homeless.

    I used to volunteer weekly with homeless and housing insecure people in Philadelphia and untreated mental health or substance abuse was an issue for many. There are also barriers to receiving government aid that would assist them because many programs require an address or the process is unnecessarily complicated.

    Housing is just one step. They would also require a great deal of counseling, job training, and medical attention to reintegration into society. Anyway, my point was simply to illustrate what a magnificent waste of resources it was to buy Twitter.