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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • The Conservatives will expand on this. They love the idea of selling off public land to their developer friends. This is one of the many areas where they actually agree with the Liberals (when they’re not just being intentionally obstructionist).

    The problem is that it won’t do any good. We have the space. What we need is better zoning, and for the available supply of housing to not all immediately end up in the hands of “investors”.

    So long as housing is an investment, there must, by necessity, be a housing crisis. Without scarcity, the investments will not appreciate in value. In other words, without scarcity, they’re not investments.

  • I think you might be seriously underestimating how big a deal wrestling still is in America. We’re not in the glory days of the eighties anymore but it’s still capable of catapulting people like John Cena to mega stardom. Cody Rhodes has barely been back in WWE for a year, and he’s already been added to Call of Duty: Warzone. AEW is the baby brother to WWE and they’re now regularly selling out Wembley Stadium. None of that is small time.

  • This isn’t really super relevant, but the fact that this woman trained as a combat engineer is seriously hardcore. It’s widely considered to be the hardest course in the military, by a long stretch. You have to do everything the average frontline infanteer does, plus build entire bunkers and bridges by hand, under fire, and handle large amounts of high explosives without killing yourself and all of your section / platoon.

  • Pollievre has been complaining that the military is “too woke” for years, this isn’t new.

    The only specific thing he can ever actually point to is the new hair regs, which he claims everyone hates. This is a flat out lie; the military fucking love the new grooming strandards. The only people who don’t are the crusty old warrants who are still mad that we dissolved the Airborne for all the heinous war crimes they did.

    What he wants to say is “The military is too woke because they let gays and trans people and women and non-white people in,” but he’s still got to keep that part slightly quiet. So this is what he goes with instead.

  • “I think there’s a blazing red line between anything that would be deemed abuse or sexual harassment and what is more in the area of overemphasis on appearances, overemphasis on changes to uniforms, to the relaxation of certain what used to be called the Queen’s orders and regulations within the military,” MacKay said. “And I think that that’s where members are bristling, particularly long-serving members.”

    This is, for the record, complete bullshit. The vast majority of soldiers love the new grooming standards. They are absolutely psyched to be allowed to have longer hair and beards. And if you show any US soldier a video of Canadian infantry their first reaction is always “Holy shit, I wish we could have beards.” The only people mad about this are a tiny subset of crusty old warrants who just hate anything that isn’t “How it was in my day.” These are the same people that think Canada should go back to using the C1. No one takes them seriously.

    Of course, what they actually mean when they say “ending wokeness” is kicking my wife out of the army because she’s trans, despite the fact that she’s a better soldier than 90% of the people in her company (she was the literally the best shot in her entire platoon in DP-1, and got praised endlessly by her instructors in every single subject).

  • Where is this coming from? The Liberals passed 80 billion in extra defence spending, over the objections of the Conservatives who unanimously voted against it. Like, if you’re mad about the army not getting enough money, hi, I’m right there with you. I live in army housing, my wife’s health and wellbeing literally depend on her getting modernized equipment that’s in good repair. But why, of all people, are you specifically going after Trudeau on this?

    Also, why the hate on legal weed for that matter? Do you have any idea how much weed soldiers smoke? Hint: Its a LOT.