“Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.”

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

-George Bernard Shaw

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • That’s pretty cool.

    It’s been awhile since I last used a iPhone 13 Pro Max for work but I do recall the constant announcements there with previous models when Apple would announce yet another great “new” feature for iPhone that Android users already had for a year or two at that stage.

    Samsung also made some good media campaigns on the announcements and used the lineups for new iPhones fairly well in their advertising.

    I will say I thought the iPhone 13 camera was pretty goof, the battery life was too, and within the Apple walled garden the texting of videos was nice. The overall user experience for me wasn’t a good fit. I like to browse the web without ads and watch videos without them too. Some of that can be done with a iPhone but it’s clunky and the web browsers are just safari.

    There’s other customizable options I prefer that I can do with Android that isn’t an option yet for Apple but I do know they will be able to at some stage.

    Overall the whole apple vs android has been great for consumers. If it wasn’t for the competition between Apple and the Android products neither group would be as far along.

  • I recall some pretty bold statements being made that Apple couldn’t stop this reverse engineering from working ever in the early days of tech reporting on this.

    Even as a Android user I thought this was pretty bold claims to make as this whole walled garden is a big part of the Apple brand and they will need to protect this as they really don’t have leading software inovation and they are no longer ahead on tech advances or specs that made the first couple of iPhones ground breaking.

    Since they are a couple to a few years behind the Android features and specs, they need to protect the special brand identity above all else so I expected them to tweak things to break anything they don’t want to have happen to their systems.

    I can’t blame them at all from a business prospective. While I don’t like or enjoy their products, they had built a great brand that sells itself for those that “want to be different” but actually the same as all of their friends.

  • In years past I’ve had shorter wait times due to late night injuries from sports or hockey. I’ve always driven to smaller hospitals on the edges of town.

    I’m not sure today how quickly that would go. A couple of years ago I broke a bone in my foot during a road trip in northern BC. They treated me in a small town were I was the only patient that day. I was treated by a GP and Nurse on a 2 week rotation from Saskatoon as there was no BC doctors for this small town. They didn’t have the air cast I needed but told me I could deal with that at my ER when I get home to Vancouver.

    A week later when I got home I spent 8 hours one day at the local ER before I left due to a crazy medial situation that was erupting in the ER that I felt uncomfortable with, then the next day when I returned it was another 4+ hours waiting to see a doctor for the cast. Then I was able to get a referral to a specialist from there.

    Most people would prefer to go to a drop in clinic before ERs but often the clinics are full for the day by the first hour they are open. There’s limits on how many patients they can see. If you have a illness many can’t wait the 2-4 weeks it takes to see a family GP so the walk in clinics (which are becoming more by appointment only) become that next stop before the catch all of the ER. I can’t imagine the BS those sick that need a note for work from a Doctor do.

    I had a minor surgery in the summer. There was minor complications afterwards. It was 2 weeks before I could even do a phone consult with the family GP and then the walk in clinics were full. I was lucky to have one of the local clinics have me to wait around at the end of the day to see if they could squeeze me in to tend to my bandage issues. If they didn’t I was looking at a 2-3 day game of trying to find a clinic each morning.

    In Vancouver I know someone that went to a thing called “Urgent Care” on a Sunday to get meds for her senior mother that had covid. The urgent care was there to take the load off the ER. After waiting 3 hours in there to see a healthcare person they were told they don’t issue prescriptions there and they would need to go to the ER for the prescription which was another long wait. It’s a good thing she wasn’t too sick /s.

    There are issues with the timing of prescriptions, how far out they can be issued, and combined with the time frames it can take to see your GP many end up at the ER as a stop gap measure especially seniors if they lose track of their prescriptions.

    There are also huge issues with nurses/care aids doing home care. Often there aren’t enough and seniors that rely on them for in home care need to wait for a day or two extra for those visits when there is enough staff. I saw this with my senior family members first hand just before Covid.

    I fear it’s going to get worse before it gets better from here.

  • I would have to suspect if they haven’t already reduced hours or closed the facility it’s in small towns. They often can’t find enough staff so they close down and residents then need to make drives to the next major city to get treatment.

    Often this involves multiple hour drives on icy and snow covered roads this time of year.

    That said in the greater Vancouver area it’s not uncommon to wait 8+ hours in the ER for less severe cases. Often the ERs become overflow for drop in clinics that cannot handle the volumes.

    Often the ER is the stopping place for those needing prescription renewals too as GPs (if one has one) can be 3-6 weeks out for bookings and I’m told there’s a mismatch to the renewal length maximums.

    Ideally, never get sick, old, or need meds and there’s no issues… /s

  • Unfortunately there’s a segment of Canadians that have been exposed to the same brain rot social media as our Southern Cousins that would very much like to see Trump in power even in our country.

    They often confuse American rights/amendments with Canadian and think they are interchangeable between the countries.

    It’s a shame as we use to be proud of what made us same but also different. It’s an amazing lesson on the powers of social media and it shows how far behind we are compared to the Russians and the Chinese who are using it to their advantage within our countries. It’s child’s play for them now…

  • I have a few of these devices in my place as a part of my home automation. It’s been struggling the last year with not confusing the basics and not mixing up the beginning of a news podcast as my voice commands. It seems like the newest display I own has the most issues.

    I generally just use it to control and schedule lights and devices with smart plugs. The odd time I try to set timers or reminders but I’ve never really been a big voice command person. I too struggle on the best way to get it to play my YouTube music likes list. I just cast from my phone instead.

    One thing it mostly gets right is stopping whatever is playing.

    With my Soundbar no longer being new enough to work with Google Assistant I’m not looking forward to when the rest of my smart lights, switches, and plugs join it as we go forward.