Black belt in Mikado, Photo model, for the photos where they put under ‘BEFORE’
Too much 404 Brains in the US
Someone still use that?
Murena mail, Nextcloud mail, Tuta, Proton, aything is better as GMail, only Hotmail is worse.
I’ve enough with my 600Mbs, 50Gbs for an normal user don’t make much sense, it’s more interesting for big Companies with a huge data traffic or for stock options. For straming movies and downloading some piracy soft, are 200Mbs way enough.
Always relative to the point of view, for an far right wing everybody else is an leftist/communist.
Rebooting Shoes killed me 🤣
Installed Vivaldi and Zen Browser. Desactivated EDGE as the next task.
That is what I mean, it’s a difference between an AI with robbed content in its knowledge/lenguage base and an AI assistant which only search iformation in the web to answer, linking to the corresponding pages. Way more intelligent and ethic use of an AI.
Nothing to do with racism, in the Vivaldi forum we have a lot of Chinese users and the censorship (The Great Firewall) is a fact, making necessary to use VPN (it’s illegal) to connect to the global net with some freedom. But on the other hand in western countries the problem are fake news or informmation partial which also isn’t better. Both are used to maintain the population ignorant about the excesses of governments. There isn’t any black and white in the global policy.
Yes, AI arrived to stay, that is fact, also soon there will be a unified global AI (see Stargat Project) which will make obsolet all other LLM. A $500 Billon project. The only thing we can do is to use it in the most intelligent way, avoiding it will be impossible.
Another reason why I use Andi, because it don¡t gut copyright content to the own knowledge base, it’s is a search assistant, not a chatbot like others, it search by the concept and give a direct answer to your question, listing also the links of the sources and pages where it found the answers. It’s LLM is only made to “understand” (to call it something) your question to search pages que contain information about it and to understand the content to be capable to summarize it. There isn’t third party or copyright content in the LLM. It’s knowledge is real time web content like any other search engine. Even in it’s (reduced) chat capabilities, always show the sources where it found it’s answers.
Traditional search works with keywords, listing thousends of pages where appears this keyword, that means that 99% of the list has nothing to do with what you are looking for, this is the reason why AI searches give a better result, but not Chatbots, which search the answers in a own knowledge base and invent answers if not.
I still prefer Andisearch over all others, it was rhe first AI search long before all other were released, with own LLM not a copy from others.
Yes, it’s anonymous and 100%free to use (I use it since almost 2 Years as my main search engine). In the futur they will release an paid pro versión which include an webclipper and some collaboration features, but that don’t change anything to the search app, this will stay free. Not very known, despite that Andi (former Lazy Web) was the first AI search ever, long before the ones from Google, M$ and others, with own independent LLM. I think it was hidden from the searches by these big companies, maybe because:
Chat with Andisearch
Palestinians deserve a life of justice, dignity, and the realization of their right to self-determination and independence, as emphasized by Rosemary DiCarlo from the United Nations. The question of Palestinian freedom is deeply intertwined with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which remains a complex and contentious issue. While there are varying opinions, the fundamental human rights of Palestinians, like those of any people, are recognized under international law. The UN and various commentators, including William Keiser from the Los Angeles Times, advocate for a two-state solution as a path to peace. The ongoing struggle for Palestinian freedom is a reminder of the need for impartiality and fairness in promoting human rights for all.
The most notable event in Tiananmen’s history is the 1989 protests, which began in April as students gathered to mourn the death of pro-reform leader Hu Yaobang. The protests quickly grew, with demonstrators calling for political reforms, freedom of speech, and an end to corruption. By May, over a million people had joined the protests, which coincided with a visit from Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.
On June 4, 1989, the Chinese government declared martial law and sent troops to suppress the protests, resulting in a massacre with estimates of deaths ranging from hundreds to thousands. The event, heavily censored in China, remains a symbol of the struggle for political freedom and the lengths to which the government will go to maintain control. Despite the repression, the memory of the protests persists globally, with ongoing calls for accountability and reform.
The difference of using an independent LLM not altered by large companies.
Yes, but although Scira uses WA for information, WA’s PP is irrelevant, since the analytics point this to Scira and not to you, same as any other source Scira may use. It is only important if you visit the WA page. In any case, I use Scira only occasionally in the Web Panel, I almost exclusively use Andisearch with the best PP of all AI search engines, which also has WA among its sources, but apart from that, it always uses a random proxy with sandboxed results for searches, apart one of the most accurate.
Android IS a Linux Distro, but the lack is, that the serial Android is full of Google APIs and other company crap. Because of this there are some degoogled forks out there which you can use
Yes, if it tries to escape from the plate.