• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • A bunch of the younger guys at work were saying how they didn’t want playlists and they didn’t want to listen to an album, they just wanted to hit a button that knew their tastes musically and would give them a mix of familiar likes and new discoveries.

    That’s Pandora… Eventually everything like this gets boring if you are interested in music instead of musak.

    I get it though. Some people really aren’t that interested in music and just want some background noise. That’s probably even the majority of people, but I’m not sure it’s entirely an age thing.

  • I’m willing to say that this is probably true for most, but not for all.

    If you run your own music streaming server, in some cases it’s better than streaming services.

    This isn’t sour grapes either. I had Google music for a couple of years, and I currently have a ninety day trial of Spotify unlimited…these services might be better for most, but if you care about the things I do they’re worse.

    I haven’t really even used my Spotify trial because my streaming setup is so much better in a variety of ways.

    All that said, I’m an album listener, an older cat, and borderline music obsessive. I’m likely a dying breed. But I find music streaming services much worse.

    I honestly think it’s much easier to have a catalog of music than, for instance, TV shows. I listen to the same albums over and over again, but I’m not nearly as keen on rewatching the same shows or watching the same movie more than even once.

  • Open source AI has leveled the playing field for people that aren’t mega corporations to compete, but has also brought along insecurity and anxiety to creative fields.

    I’m sorry but…no.

    The people making money off of this are the same people making money off of everything.

    The primary beneficiary of all of the AI hype is Microsoft.

    Secondary beneficiary is Nvidia. These aren’t tiny companies.

    There’s another thing here which is that you seem to believe this was actually made in large part by an AI while simultaneously stating the motivations of humans. So which is it?

    If this was truly AI generated, they could release a new one every week, or do something like that perpetual Seinfeld wannabe thing or the endless Biden Trump debate.

    There’s a reason it’s more coherent than anything you’d get from ChatGPT. There’s a reason why it’s not “endless Carlin”. There’s a reason why the people that supposedly created it aren’t already in a technical field but are instead in comedy. It’s because it’s a fraud. It’s a mechanical Turk.

  • Before I watched it, I thought that it was perhaps sections written by AI and then stitched together afterwards.

    After watching it, I think very little of it was actually written by AI, anything that “AI” contributed was thoroughly edited, and that most of it was completely written by a mediocre comedy writer.

    There is a 0% chance that anyone typed anything like “Have AI George Carlin perform an hour-long special posthumously” into a computer and it spat that audio out.

    There is exactly one bit that I think was even conceivably inspired by interactions with a chat bot and it’s the one about replacing the vowels in people’s names (which is coincidentally what a couple of YouTubers take as “proof” that it was AI generated in whole), and even that bit was likely AI-inspired but not at all AI-written.

    EDIT: I wanted to add somewhere that I’m happy to find another skeptic. This seems like a modern “mechanical Turk” to me.

    A thing that wouldn’t surprise me at all is if this is some sort of elaborate stunt similar to something Andy Kaufman would do.