• 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2020

  • Have you read the story of Panko breadcrumbs?

    It came from food and fuel shortages in WW2 where the ingredients for bread but no ovens or equipment to cook it into anything. One guy hooked a bunch of dough up to a car battery and electrocuted it and created a crustless loaf with a weird texture. He also discovered this weird texture made for great even sized crumbs with a uniform colour and after the war ended decided to turn it into a business.

  • Couldn’t figure out how to access my headless server’s desktop environment via VNC without a monitor connected and turned on. I bought a hardware displayport dummy adapter to pretend to be a real display to get it to work.

    A hardware solution to a software problem… felt really wrong.

    I’ve since wrapped my head around tmux and managing all my services via command-line or web-ui so I have no need for it anymore.

  • Playstation/Xbox.

    I love multiplayer shooters, obviously hate cheaters. If I have to install a rootkit on my primary machine to play and still come across cheaters, I may as well just get a console with heavily discounted hardware cost and peace of mind that the only thing people can really abuse are xim/cronuses. Also it feels nice that everyone in the match will be on a level playing field in terms of hardware specs and I’m never tempted to buy a new graphics card, CPU or cooling just to eek out a few extra fps.

    Crossplay off all the way.