I had to remove Steam before lib32-nvida-utils would go - now Steam won’t reinstall
Got it with --assume-installed lib32-vulkan-driver
Let’s see if it works :)
Nope. Builds shaders (a little too quickly perhaps) and then stops.
Skyrim still works, which suggests that the problem is with version of proton and environment variables rather than the beta drivers. And at least I’m no worse off than before.
I might give this another go tomorrow - look at it with fresh eyes and all that.
I didn’t. Sunday was broken up with all sorts of RL issues, and when I did have time, I spent it on Windows playing the game.
I’ll give it another shot tomorrow. Proton experimental looks like it should do the job with minimal fuss, assuming everything else is in place. It would be nice to move over fully to Linux. Even if it does mean accepting a lower FPS for a short while.