• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • If you didn’t know Kissinger was Jewish, you must not be Jewish, and if you’re not Jewish, but simply an ally, then shut the fuck up. When the world scapegoats Jews, Jews fucking die, and we’re a bit tired of being made to be the ultimate in the sin of the world, because of all the, you know, Expulsion, Inquisition, Pogrom, Holocaust, Terrorism, and stuff. Again, do us a favor, and shut your whore fucking mouth. You have no idea the damage making Jews THE scapegoat causes.

  • Biggest Evil In American Politics? Kissinger?

    Biggest Evil in American Entertainment? Weinstein?

    Biggest Evil in American Finance? Bankman Fried?

    Biggest Evil in Human Rights? Israel?

    We sure are hitting the high notes in scapegoatism these days huh. And see how natural and easy it all feels

    Blaming Jews is just right gosh darn it! Target the only Jewish state, it’s only right!

    Lay absolutely no blame whatsoever at the heroic freedom fighter Arab Islamic Terrorists who use suicide bombings, missiles, rape, beheading, eviscerating, burning against civilian populations for the last 70 years.

    Poor little “Palestinian” cinamon rolls, never did nothin to nobody. Except want peace with Jews, ever.

  • the brave experience was less than ideal for me, the brave search is unusable, i switched back to firefox, which i had moved to from chrome

    also, related, but a side note, word to the wise, never ever ever use a free vpn ever, someones gotta foot the bill for the exit server bandwidth, and either they’re keeping logs or they’re not keeping logs, but you’ll never know, and you won’t know when they sell their settup to the next guy. always use a major vpn service who’s audited and shown proof they’re not keeping logs, they’re in the business of secure and private vpn service. free vpns like what brave are offering are not in that business, and server, rack space, bandwidth costs actual money