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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • Ubuntu Wiki Ask Ubuntu Ubuntu Forums

    The wiki has some information and should correspond to how Ubuntu specifically is configured. You can ask for ubuntu specific help in those communities. You can also ask here and on several Linux communities on Lemmy.

    The Arch Wiki I find to be more in depth than the ubuntu wiki. Of course some things may differ from Ubuntu’s defaults but I found it a useful resource when using Ubuntu.

    Finally I suggest you learn a bit about how Linux works in general, what is in what directory, what is wayland and xorg, understand how drives are named etc and some understanding of the terminal (moving around in directories, how to use sudo etc, no need to learn to make bash scripts).

  • That’s a bummer. Unfortunately I can’t think of something else since fast startup has been suggested by another user and it’s also not the case.

    The drives are shown as NTFS by Gparted right? Also can you confirm that the sizes should be those sizes? As in do you remember from when you bought them? 16 TB is still a big drive. Additionally can you confirm that they are all different drives and not partitions on the same disk.

    Do they show up on the file explorer sidebar or if you go to “Other Locations” (in the file explorer)? If so do you get an error when you try to access them?

    If they don’t unfortunately you probably will have to use the terminal to try and mount them so we can hopefully get some error message and hopefully some clue to what is going on.

  • I think the disks could be Dynamic Disks on which it would not be a good idea to install a linux distro.

    Unfortunately Microsoft’s own advice to change it to a basic disk (since it considers dynamic deprecated) WILL RESULT IN DATA LOSS.

    Since you only want to access them it seem to be possible with ldmtool. While it is a cli tool there is a corresponding service that at least according to some askubuntu posts and arcwiki should make them behave like normal filesystems.

  • If it’s contributing creatively to your work, yeah, totally.

    AI is not contributing creatively though, programs do not create.

    If you ask Photoshop fill to add an italian plumber and you’ve been living under a rock for you life so you don’t realize it’s Mario, when you get sued by Nintendo for copyright infringement it’d be much better policy if it was Adobe on the hook for adding copyrighted material and not the end user.

    I am speaking of Photoshop used as a non-AI tool as it has been used to commit copyright infringement for decades before Photoshop fill was a thing. Should it check if your image infringes on copyright?

    A better analogy is: if you hired a graphic designer and they gave you copyrighted material, who is liable?

    The graphic designer. If you went ahead and redistributed it you would also be liable. Whatever program he used or it’s developer wouldn’t be liable.

  • I don’t understand. If I go to their site at https://mullvad.net the obvious choice to download their software is to click at ‘Downloads’ at the top of the page. It already autodetected I am running Linux and has me on the Linux tab.

    Sure there are two download options but the first one says it works on Ubuntu and the second says it works on Fedora. You get a file you can just double click and install. Windows installation works the same way. You download a file and double click it.

    You don’t have to use the terminal you don’t really have to know more about sudo than you need about Windows UAC, you don’t have to know what a package or .deb is anymore than what a win32 executable or an Windows’ .msi file is.

    People giving you more complicated answers either did not check the website (because they presumed you did) or if they did they think you want more features such as auto-updating which in Windows also requires a more complex install than downloading a file and opening it.

  • You should never have been on lemmy according to your stated goals of a ‘safe’ closed community. Your actions during the reddit exodus while you were still a big part of the lemmyverse (especially regarding communities) certainly did not do the rest of lemmy any good. Not that I think you care.

    It’s better for lemmy if you leave, it’s better for your goals to leave so just do it.

  • And I want a law making you pay me 500$ for reading your posts.

    Copyright law already extends beyond what society finds reasonable. It’s routinely broken by normal people without them even thinking about it. It’s even broken by those vested in it both corporations and individual artists.

    Finally you are not getting the copyright law you want ( nor should you, you a minority, a special interest ), big corps are. They might be ‘content’ corps or tech or both but they certainly won’t make a law to benefit either society as a whole or you as a small artist.