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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • We were taking a walk by the sea on a cold-ish winter night. Some stupid teens got up on the walls at the edge of the quay and started posing for photos and shit. Just as one of them was in the middle of yelling to her friends something about how not-scary it was up on that wall, two of them lost their balance and fell in the water. It was a big splash. I mean it was not good for those two kids of course, but the timing could not have been more hilariously perfect.

  • It doesn’t have discussions, it doesn’t offer pull request management with commented/annotated code reviews, it doesn’t have built-in ssh and key management features, no workflows, no authorization tools of any kind…

    In short I find the “just use git itself lmao” to be an exceedingly weird thing to say and I find it even weirder that it gets said as often as it does and it gets upvoted so much. Git by itself is not very useful at all if there are more than one a half people working on the same code.

  • Which is why I love concept albums where the artist sings a bunch of songs that tell some story of a fisherman who catches a magic mermaid type creature who can cure cancer, but the mermaid type creature ends up becoming a trapped carnival attraction at a freak show instead. Or about the story of a mad scientist type dude who conducts experiments on his patients, creates an evil demagogue who then becomes a tyrant whose reign ends in a terrible war that causes a lot of death and destruction. Or about a bunch of AI who find themselves in disagreement with their creators and then say bye to the solar system and just fuck off into deep space.

  • If you want to be able to use “actual streaming services like Netflix”, you’re gonna be disappointed. Those use DRM that won’t be available to your Pi. Most of them will at least limit the quality to a pretty pathetic level. Overall it’s not going to be a satisfying experience. AFAIK it takes some major hackery to get around that limitation, making it a practically insurmountable obstacle.

    Otherwise the rest are more than doable. I’d still recommend an x64 based mini pc though.

  • Okay then what? Unless the devs try real hard to stay hidden, Nintendo’s lawyers will do a little bit of digging, they will find out who those pseudonyms are, and sue again. And this time the devs will be extremely lucky if they can get away with just paying out 2.4m because the law generally does not appreciate it very much when you try to ignore and avoid its previous rulings. A console emulator is absolutely not worth the potentially devastating legal consequences.