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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • This asshole is just exercising his options to take money from the same moderators that were up in arms over his changes last year. Make no mistake, this is Spez’s revenge.

    I really hope this whole thing backfires on reddit, but I think the reality is that it will further enshittify until it’s profitable, and it’s already so big it’s unlikely to fail.

    Lemmy just isn’t a replacement and I think the nature of lemmy will stop it from ever being one unless someone throws godlike resources at one giant instance that federates with basically nobody.

  • Hey guys, let’s be clear.

    Google now has a full complete set of logs including user IPs (correlate with gmail accounts), PRIVATE MESSAGES, and also reddit posts.

    They pinky promise they will only train AI on the data.

    I can pretty much guarantee someone can subpoena google for your information communicated on reddit, since they now have this PII (username(s)/ip/gmail account(s)) combo. Hope you didn’t post anything that would make the RIAA upset! And let’s be clear… your deleted or changed data is never actually deleted or changed… it’s in an audit log chain somewhere so there’s no way to stop it.

    “GDPR WILL SAVE ME!” - gdpr started in 2016. Can you ever be truly sure they followed your deletion requests?

  • Patent Proxy Services… at your service! We’ll register patents on your behalf for a small one time fee of $10,000 for low volume… or $10 for high volume! Plus the cost of actually applying for patent.

    You provide all completed paperwork sans author.

    Individuals who let their names used on behalf of this service have a contract with the company that pays them $5 for a submission and all they had to do was go on a website and fill in their personal info and hit confirm then accept a digital signed document stating that all patents they register belong to the company. Surely the poors will accept $5 at no cost to them.

  • I think it’s pretty amazing when people just run with the dogma that empowers billionaires.

    Every creator hopes they’ll be the next taylor swift and that they’ll retain control of their art for those life + 70 years and make enough to create their own little dynasty.

    The reality is that long duration copyright is almost exclusively a tool of the already wealthy, not a tool for the not-yet-wealthy. As technology improves it will be easier and easier for wealth to control the system and deny the little guy’s copyright on grounds that you used something from their vast portfolio of copyright/patent/trademark/ipmonopolyrulelegalbullshit. Already civil legal disputes are largely a function of who has the most money.

    I don’t have the solution that helps artists earn a living, but it doesn’t seem like copyright is doing them many favors as-is unless they are retired rockstars who have already earned in excess of the typical middle class lifetime earnings by the time they hit 35, or way earlier.

  • This is one of those things where I don’t really agree with the law on.

    Shoplifters come back again and again and many try to screw with checkout people with coupon scams or simply know where in the store to go to hide the things they want to steal.

    Verkada (a company that supplies cameras and the software to use them) has this kind of functionality built-in. All it does is let you setup alerts for people who are persons of interest. It’s not perfect but anyone paying attention can tell that the person on camera being alerted is the same as the POI or not. It doesn’t eliminate the human interactions needed to actually prevent shoplifting, but it does let you know who to focus on when they come in.

    Normal store employees don’t get access to things like camera systems. Security / loss prevention employees are typically the ones with access and who would see a notification and then watch for someone to put things in a purse or pocket and try to walk out of the store.

    So all they’re saying is “do not scrutinize this known thief unless you yourself remember them” which is pretty absurd. If someone doesn’t steal there isn’t a problem, and if there is the footage will back up the innocence (or guilt!) I don’t even know how this became a case.