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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2023


  • This is pretty fundamental trolley problem stuff. If one choice kills 10 million and the other choice kills 5 million but protects the other 5 million, you refusing to participate entirely isn’t a noble stand, it’s saying you don’t give a shit about the other 5 million.

    I care too much about these vulnerable people to help these other vulnerable people while not actually helping the other vulnerable people is just being an idiot.

  • It must be so freeing to live a life so simple and ignorant that you think your little world can be zero harm and morally perfect while living a lifestyle that would be remotely sustainable for the world. The world is a big and scary place and a democracy is made up of a myriad of perspectives on the world. We all do the best we can with the choices we have. To pretend that we can accomplish anything by refusing to participate in an imperfect system is absurd fantasy.

    By all means protest, organize etc toward noble goals. But don’t act like “both candidates bad, myeh” is a real stance.

  • Dude fuck off, I’m sorry but there is no viable “tell Israel to get fucked” candidate. Biden isn’t bombing Gaza personally, the US military isn’t bombing Gaza. The GOP has showed they staunchly want to see it escalate and wipe Gaza off the map completely, this is a holy proxy war for them. Israel and its genocide has overwhelming support in US politics. None of this makes it right, but it does make it not a relevant issue in this presidential race.

    You don’t pick a candidate that shares every belief and opinion as you. You vote for the candidate which will do the least harm and the most good and only the frontrunners count as candidates and you know it.

  • Look, I get the joke you’re making but seriously, people need to comprehend that the Geneva convention (even if we lump in the other treaties that often get confused with it) doesn’t cover what civilians are and aren’t allowed to do.

    I and police for that matter can use tear gas pending local laws regardless of what the Geneva PROTOCOL says on the matter. Because I am not participating in a war in an official capacity.

    A civilian doctor in another country might be tied by medical ethics codes he has agreed to but he is not tied by the Geneva Convention unless maybe if he is acting in an official capacity for the country and even then it would vary how international law would be applied because neither Hamas nor Palestine are signatories of that convention and likely Hamas soldiers are not fighting in uniform.

    I am not casting a moral judgement on any of the above, I’m just tired of people not understanding what the Geneva Convention and the broader laws of warfare actually mean.