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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023

  • I haven’t used tailscale to know how well it works but as a current zerotier user I’ve been considering moving away from it.

    I actually love the idea and it’s super simple to set up but has some very annoying pitfalls for me:

    1. It’s a lot of “magic”. When it fails to work the zerotier software gives you very little information on why.
    2. The NAT tunneling can be iffy. I had it fail to work in some public WiFis, occasionally failed to work on mobile internet (same phone and network when it otherwise works). Restarting the app, reconnecting and so on can often help but it’s not super reliable IMO.
    3. Just recently I’ve had to uninstall the app restart my Mac, reinstall the app to get it to work again - there were no changes that made it stop, it just decided it’s had enough one day to the next and as in point 1, it doesn’t tell you much over whether it’s connected or not.

    Pretty much all of the issues I’ve had were with devices that have to disconnect and re-connect from the network and/or devices that move between different networks (like laptop, phone). On my router, it’s been super stable. Point is, your mileage may vary - it’s worth trying but there are definitely issues.

  • I have no experience with this, but happened to have seen an interview with Ludwig Minelli, the founder of Dignitas (an organisation for assisted death). The man is 90+ and still fighting for this right. I believe I saw it in a video format, but I think this was the interview - I think it’s worth a read.

    I’d suggest you look up the contact for the various organisations and reach out with your situation and questions to see what they say. They’re likely to be much better sources of information.

  • myliltoehurts@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlI'm helping I promise!
    3 months ago

    We trim our cats nails because when we don’t they keep getting stuck on things. They also just accept that being stuck is now their life without any complaint so sometimes it takes us hours to figure out one is now stuck to the sofa and just accepted it vs decided to sleep on the sofa.

  • I get the convenience part so the staff doesn’t have to go around do it by hand, but it just seems infeasible to do it for the other examples mentioned.

    E.g. you go in, pick up item listed for $10, finish shopping in 20 mins, item now costs $15 at till… probably leave it (so now the staff has to re-shelf it) and start shopping at a place that is not trying to scam you.

    For the other example, if there are a few packs of something expiring and they reduce the price for all the items on the shelf, everyone will just take the ones which have a reasonable shelf life left leaving the expiring ones.

    Both of these just seem stupid.

  • I wonder if this will also have a reverse tail end effect.

    Company uses AI (with devs) to produce a large amount of code -> code is in prod for a few years with incremental changes -> dev roles rotate or get further reduced over time -> company now needs to modernize and change very large legacy codebase that nobody really understands well enough to even feed it Into the AI -> now hiring more devs than before to figure out how to manage a legacy codebase 5-10x the size of what the team could realistically handle.

    Writing greenfield code is relatively easy, maintaining it over years and keeping it up to date and well understood while twisting it for all new requirements - now that’s hard.

  • I think I misunderstood your problem, I assumed the issue was the volume mounts and after testing it I was indeed wrong - the docker cli now accepts relative paths so your original command does the same as what I suggested. After re-reading your issue I have a different idea of what’s wrong, but would have to see your dockerfile (or for you to confirm) to be sure.

    Do you add 10f.py to the docker image when you build it and do you specify the command/entrypoint in the Dockerfile? There are possibly to issues I can think of with how you do that (although considering the docker compose works it’s probably the 2nd):

    1. You do add it and you add it to /data in the image - when you mount a volume over it would make the script no longer exist in the container.
    2. You do add it and it’s not in /data - in this case the issue with running docker run -v ./:/data -w /workdir tenfigers_10f:v1 10f.py is the last bit - you override the command which makes it try to look for it at /data/10f.py, if you omit it the last part (10f.py) it should run whatever the original command was and assuming you set the cmd/entrypoint correctly in the Dockerfile it should see /data as ./ in python.

    (Also when you run it with the CLI you might want to add -it --rm as well to the docker command otherwise it won’t really behave similarly to a regular command)

  • It works in docker compose because compose handles relative paths for the volumes, the docker CLI doesn’t.

    You can achieve this by doing something like

    docker run -v $(pwd):/data ...

    pwd is a command that returns the current path as an absolute path, you can just run it by itself to see this. $() syntax is to execute the inner command separately before the shell runs the rest of it. (Same as backticks, just better practice)

    I imagine that wouldn’t work on windows, but it would on either osx, Linux or wsl.

    Generally speaking, if you need the file system access and your CLI requires some setup, I’d recommend either writing it in a statically compiled language (e.g. golang, rust) or researching how to compile a python script into an executable.

    If you’re just mounting your script in the container - you’re better off adding it directly at build time.

  • Jellyfin is a fork of emby from the time when emby went closed source. They are very similar, emby has a similar thing to Plex pass (emby premiere) to monetize for extra features, but it’s not enshittified (yet, maybe - who knows).

    I’m not sure if it’s available without premiere but it has the intro detection and skip feature, which is one of the main things I miss from jellyfin. I also prefer the app on android TV for some small reasons (over jellyfin). I’m not sure if it’s overall better, especially if you hadn’t already paid for it - I got a lifetime pass on it for cheap once.

  • If they forced the maintainer of some FOSS software to merge in some code, even if the maintainer isn’t even allowed to speak about it eventually someone would notice (since open source), fork the project and just cherry pick out their crap. Then it’s whack-a-mole of trying to keep people from multiplying it.

    Or they could claim the software is illegal and have no way to enforce that either.

    So basically as long as said software is useful for more than a handful of people, it’s infeasible to try to enforce it (e.g. see how it goes every time some software gets a cease and desist, they end up even more popular than before)

  • Same as others, convenience. You can entirely live without it, but after some learning curve it’s not much to maintain.

    I’ve got opening sensors on all doors and windows so my heating turns off if something is open for a few minutes.

    I’ve got a dark hallway with some movement sensors and smart bulbs so the lights can turn on when someone walks there, with the lights being dimmed if it’s late at night or not turning on if it’s super late or the luminosity sensor considers it already usable (e.g. on sunny days when there’s enough light bleeding in)

    I’ve got smart bulbs in most rooms we use a lot which change the color temperature from warm to cold to warm over the course of the day depending on the sun position/time (it’s a dark country, we often need lights even during the day, especially during winter)

    All in all, for me it was definitely worth the price and the investment, I’d not want to go back to not having them but I imagine for someone who hasn’t experienced it, it might seem superfluous or gimmicky.

  • OpenAI chief scientist Ilya Sutskever, who reportedly led the push to remove Altman, noted on X (formerly Twitter) that he had some regrets about the weekend of chaos inside OpenAI. “I deeply regret my participation in the board’s actions. I never intended to harm OpenAI,” said Sutskever. “I love everything we’ve built together and I will do everything I can to reunite the company.” Bizarrely, Sutskever’s name is on the list of resignations, too.

    “I’ll do anything to reunite the company… in Microsoft.”

  • I understand that, but just because I’m capable of working with a less friendly system doesn’t mean it’s a good thing. If anything I’d still list it as a negative aspect that it requires more knowledge and research.

    If there was a question with an answer like “I’m looking for a challenge” it’d make sense that it’s listed as a positive.