If they gave more time than just a few months, in example at least an entire year, then people could at least download those files before hand. Not sure how long this would take and how stressful this would be for their servers.
They could also give the option to pay for this. They should know what storing a video costs and therefore could give creators the chance to cover that cost.
You should at least play around with the export options and do regular exports. You really don’t want your diary of over 5 years to be stuck in an unmaintained app. And since this seems to be supporting exporting into markdown - maybe try an export and checkout logseq or Obsidian?
I mean, algorithms are not bad at all if they are transparent. The “scaled” sorting in Lemmy is an algorithm and it does work great. You can take a look at the source code and see how it works. The problem here is not “algorithms” and we really shouldn’t call it “algorithms” - it’s tech companies force feeding you content they want you to see and preventing you from seeing the sites/posts/users you are actively following from reaching your feed. What Musk is doing on X is propaganda and we should call it that