u/nexusband on Reddit

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • It has absolutely nothing to do with the lines, but the headends. Coax is very capable of transmitting lots of Data fast. Due to the tree topology of cable however, the headends have to be extremely fast. If everyone on the tree of 100 has 1000 Mbit, that headend needs to have 100 Gbit of capacity. Most of those headends however cap out at 10 Gbit and sometimes service up to 300-500 ports. German cable providers cheaped out and didn’t upgrade their infrastructure for quite a while. The coax line technology didn’t change in the last 30 years.

  • Yep…makes Synthetic fuels an even more no-brainer for me personally. Granted, it doesn’t for those companies and lobbyists because it’s going to be a lot more expensive initially, but if there’s really a will to do something against climate change, the first thing to do should be taxing those companies doing this shit willfully and knowingly to hell and back. A few wind turbines with some electrolysis machines suddenly become a lot cheaper.

    And it’s a Win-Win for everyone - lots of people keep their jobs, execs keep getting money and I can keep driving ICE - and no extra co2, methan or other gasses are being released. And with these Satellites, there’s actually a way to keep companies from being shit.

    But that may very well be a bit too utopian…