quoting MLK
Wow smh far right extremist /s
quoting MLK
Wow smh far right extremist /s
r/transgendercirclejerk incoming
Technically, but it’s not likely. They’d probably do more damage to their reputation then it would be worth.
If you feel comfortable giving your SSN to privacy.com, you can just give them a privacy.com credit card number and then cancel whenever you want.
You could probably do the same thing with a reloadable prepaid card and then just withdraw all the money whenever you want to stop paying.
Google doesn’t want anyone using an alternative to the Web. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was intentional.
30 day ban. Don’t make accusations just because you disagree with other users.
This feels like the weirdo that Muta covered who was sending out legal notices telling people that if they didn’t take action, he would consider them to be entered into contracts that he wrote.
Tax the rich
Porn addiction can also turn people into incels.
Anyone who needs violent porn as a “sexual release” to avoid raping women belongs in a mental hospital. The entire idea of catharsis is nonsense and counterproductive.
Porn creates misogynistic incels.
Liberal as in American liberal.
We should abolish online porn entirely.
A reduction in incels will reduce the number of white supremacists.
Each transaction isn’t that much. Beating the path toward a cashless economy is a different story.
Do you remember the pregnant teenager outed to her parents over big data advertising?
There is a lot of job discrimination in hiring of autistic people, especially when it’s hard to fire them.
Many places actively profile for it and consider symptoms to be red flags since they can’t explicitly ask. This is why making it hard to fire people hurts the disadvantaged.
I can easily imagine hiring managers tossing out job applications of people who have a family history of autism, but that’s more a problem of it being too hard to fire them if they’re a problem.
Religious people could also use a history of mental illiness to assume satanic activity.
I can very easily imagine a 23 year old liberal virgin technocratic atheist saying that DNA should be collected at birth to solve crimes. These are also the same people who likely support euthanizing disabled people if they “consent” to it.
I’m surprised how based everyone here is being. So many people are just “give over all your information bro, the corporations will get it anyway.”
Because it drives people even deeper into self destructive incel behaviors.