FOP? What’s that?
Shredded cheese instead of proper squeaky cheese curds. 😬
There’s a less funny scene about this in Midsommar
I’m quite happy not placing myself in the same American bucket, not sure why anyone would say that.
This is what is known among scholars as a joke.
Sorry, when someone says something ridiculous I can’t help but call it out. Call it a character flaw if you like.
I might as well argue that the sky is blue. There are countless ways technology has benefited humanity, it’s sort of ridiculous to say otherwise outside of some thought experiment.
What an absurd thing to think.
Don’t forget we also measure distance by travel time. I have to Google the KM distance from Ottawa to Toronto but I know it’s around 4 hours and 20 minutes traffic allowing.
Then again there were enormous pro wrestlers in the 80s who made Vin Diesel look tiny, so the performance enhancement look definitely isn’t that new to the public.
I haven’t had COVID because I’m a recluse who never leaves the house. Though I’m also lucky my nurse spouse hasn’t had it and brought it home.
Pets should never be a surprise for sure. Having an idea that you’ve got one coming and being willing to take care of it is another story altogether