Agree. I have family in Europe & they all use WhatsApp.
Agree. I have family in Europe & they all use WhatsApp.
Great choice. I was going to recommend Sweet Baby Ray’s, but Stubbs is pretty similar.
I grew up in CA but now live in the southern US. I get really tired of hearing this. Yes, the cost of living is ridiculous and the wildfires are terrible. But it’s actually a lovely place, on balance, and I enjoy my visits. The folks here seem to think CA is a crime-ridden urban hell.
I suspect that it’s simpler to make a standalone display as proof of concept. If it’s popular enough, laptops could follow. This monitor will be great for film sets & videos. No flicker!
There are a lot of “that guys.” That guy who quotes Bob Dylan. That guy who wears crazy pants. That guy who’s good at ping-pong. And so forth. Decades ago, Elon Musk apparently decided to be That Guy Who Really Likes the Letter X. You do you.
Now they’re going to be exes and ohs.
I like Earl Grey, hot, with milk. The kids call this a “Dirty Picard.”