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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • A tool is just that, a tool.

    Just because what you consider immoral or moral individuals use it doesn’t change the inherent nature of the tool to be used for specific circumstances. You’ll also notice I didn’t put any deterministic language when describing a penetration tester, because regardless of what side of the law they’re on they’re still cybersecurity professionals, it’s just that one side happens to pay better.

    A knife can be used to dissect as well as it can be used to mutilate or even vivisect. How a tool is used is determined by the user not the creator.

    Complaining that a few people use the item for nefarious purposes when the majority of problematic cases are issues at the developer level for the items being affected (i.e. vehicles) is extremely short sighted. Are you going to restrict all PC’s because they can be used for network intrusion?

    Are you going to limit access to the internet because the freely available information can teach anyone to create a dirty bomb?

    The premise of your outlook is inherently erroneous in my opinion.

  • Direct quote from https://flipperzero.one/:

    Flipper Zero Multi-tool Device for Geeks Flipper Zero is a portable multi-tool for pentesters and geeks in a toy-like body. It loves hacking digital stuff, such as radio protocols, access control systems, hardware, and more. It’s fully open-source and customizable, so you can extend it in whatever way you like.

    Flipper Zero is a portable multi-tool for pentesters and geeks

    multi-tool for pentesters


    Pentester or penetration tester is a cybersecurity professional that can be located on red team (offence) or blue team (defence) and works to determine potential vectors for attack that need to be rectified or exploited, depending on who they’re working for and what their goals are for their employer.

  • If you have experience and effective training browsing the dark web, there are several examples of your concerns already coming alive.

    Bot farms have levelled up to ai farms, with various models being made as ‘specialist’ ai’s for things like credit card theft, network intrusion, malware, etc, and from when I last looked into it a few months ago they had already moved on to attempt to get all the specialists to start training general purpose models.

    Things are not looking particularly great and I would posit if AGI does happen in our lifetime it’s not going to be because anyone alive actually intended that to happen, but the criminals running a wide variety of specialists train a general purpose ai with intentions to use it for easy money.

    I usually chirp back with ‘nothing we have now is really AI’ but I can’t seriously take that view with some of the things being tested by some criminal organizations these days and there’s not really a way to stop this from happening.

  • You have no respect at all for people who served and died, and it shows.

    You’re the exact type of person that would go “don’t record the horrors in the deathcamps, we should remember them not memorialize them”.

    A memorial is supposed to serve as a reminder of what to avoid, not cater to your or anyone else’s current nonsensical ideologies or sensitivities.

    It exists to inform and prevent acceptance of war, not to portray a ‘rewarding sacrifice’ when people are thrown into the meat grinder.

    Your complete lack of understanding of this issue or your wilful mischaracterization is absolutely abhorrent and shows a total lack of respect and critical thinking education or a total lack of empathy, ignoring the suffering of others in order to pursue your own agenda.

  • I was more referencing the fact that there’s a significant problem in china with the misappropriation of funds and replacing of real components and equipment with fake or non-functioning components and equipment.

    US has regulatory bodies that (sometimes) work on their own, China has regulatory bodies that only work when the state notices something is wrong, and by that time it’s too late and several billion yuan (RMB) deep.

    It’s not as though there’s an intended malevolence to the people by the CCP, it’s just that their organization structure and manner doesn’t allow for a lot of autonomy and requires direct orders to go into action.

  • Canada is one of the richest countries in the world and we definitely have the resources to do both. I don’t think there’s ever a need to equate situations like this when we have the resources and liquidity to do both.

    That being said, I personally disagree with the 40 million to palestine since its materials are going to be appropriated by HAMAS once they go over the border (or ‘lost’ in the bureaucracy of the UN), but I don’t disagree with the intent to help, we should’ve just thought about it a bit more before doing something like this.

    I would’ve been more down to buy 40 million in food/water and para-drop them into palestine than trust the various aid organizations that continue to misappropriate and ‘lose’ funds in that region.

    Para dropping supplies would have a higher chance of supplies getting to the people that need them than trusting the ruling bodies inside palestine to actually provide for their people. (If unaware, HAMAS is the elected body of palestine)