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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • It’s been a while since I used my resin printer, but I had a similar problem at one point and it came down to the support connection to the print… No matter how many supports I put, it didn’t change the outcome, but when I made the support thicker and made the connection point thicker, suddenly I had no more problems… It just meant a little extra post processing on some parts

  • I was recently asked to make a small Android app using flutter, which I had never touched before

    I used chatgpt at first and it was so painful to get correct answers, but then made an agent or whatever it’s called where I gave it instructions saying it was a flutter Dev and gave it a bunch of specifics about what I was working on

    Suddenly it became really useful…I could throw it chunks of code and it would just straight away tell me where the error was and what I needed to change

    I could ask it to write me an example method for something that I could then easily adapt for my use

    One thing I would do would be ask it to write a method to do X, while I was writing the part that would use that method.

    This wasn’t a big project and the whole thing took less than 40 hours, but for me to pick up a new language, setup the development environment, and make a working app for a specific task in 40 hours was a huge deal to me… I think without chatgpt, just learning all the basics and debugging would have taken more than 40 hours alone

  • Well the reason I asked about the hotend was because of you’re using the little glass bead version of the thermistor, and the hotend has the hole to feed through, I had an issue on an old Frankenstein ender where it wasn’t touching the metal inside correctly… As it heated up, it would kind of move the thermistor away from the metal. I solved this by putting a DIY metal shroud on it that held it in the middle while touching the hotend all around. I also used thermal paste to make sure there was no gaps.

  • The difference is that there were concerns Huawei would share the data with the Chinese government for them to spy on various groups/individuals

    Most countries like America have no problem with you selling the data to other companies or governments (the US Gov themselves buy huge amounts of data) to spy on you, just not to the Chinese government.

    So if the data stays with Toyota (or the people they sell it to), they aren’t likely to upset the governments… But if the data is directly shared with Huawei, it’s likely to run into some pretty quick walls