Centrist, progressive, radical optimist. Geophysicist, R&D, Planetary Scientist and general nerd in Winnipeg, Canada.

troyunrau.ca (personal)

lithogen.ca (business)

  • 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • One time, many moons ago, when I was a young a naive student: I dared to counter protest a student union led protest that I disagreed with. I was polite, non-distuptive, and some distance away from the group.

    I got reported to campus security for irrational behaviour by someone, which then caused them to go digging. I had been writing editorials for the campus newspaper and they were in the newspaper offices trying to dig up dirt (my editor let me know).

    I have no idea whether there is such as thing as due process and such when dealing with campus security (they aren’t really police), but at the time I felt violated. I was expressing a political opinion in the most democratic way I could, and someone gunned for me in response. I don’t blame security for doing their job, I blame whomever maliciously contrived a report to make them act.

    That said, this story is clearly written slanted towards the ACAB angle. I think more digging is required by the journalist here. What was the actual perceived threat.

    (And yes, ecoterrorism is a thing, so perhaps there were concerns, real or imagined.)

  • As a former slackware aficionado, I’d have to say that the general mood of the users and development team was super chill. Hell, the name slackware comes from “slack”, the goal of the Church of the SubGenius. The whole thing is a meme that’s been going steady for decades.

    I had the privilege of meeting Patrick and much of the core Slackware group at the KDE 4.0 release party. They are all awesome.

    I can expect that users that tolerate the Slackware style are also those that are pretty laid back to begin with. Probably they were happier people already, and using slackware just vibes with them.