Hello! Some info about me is up on my website: https://wreckedcarzz.com

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • (not an image but)

    I would take an already-made burger, then inspect it and rip out elements of it, replace several others, add a bunch of layers of new things. It would take a few months and I would have no idea what I’m doing the whole time, but I would persist. The end result would be a delicious burger that occasionally has a missing item. Still working on why/where/how that happens. People would enjoy it, but most would not know that they can customize their burger, or the extent of the options.

    (I used to code as a hobby in VB, C#, and Java over a decade ago, almost two; this burger example is me not knowing a damn bit of Lua, as I fork and modify a game mod to have a lot more features, less confusing variables, and lots of broken commented code as I have ideas but still don’t fully grasp what I’m doing. Weeeee!)

  • So they want to be known as slow to release updates and in no rush to improve that, then? Another provider of devices that receives updates ‘eventually’? That was fine a decade ago, but there’s no excuse for it now. Trying to be better about sourcing and sustainability is good, but that doesn’t detract from other factors. If they have too much on their plate, they shouldn’t have added more.

    Likewise, defending such behavior so strongly is ‘really showing’. 10 months for a version bump when it takes others weeks is bad, I’m sorry that you think otherwise. Nothing you say changes that - not sales numbers, not net profits, no ‘but they are small’ avoidance tactics. They don’t get a magic pass just because. It’s become easier since their launch years ago to speed up this process; there’s simply no excuse.

  • Because if they want to be a real player, they need to do better. FP is small but they also aren’t shipping hundreds of devices. Defending them because one is small and one isn’t, without taking the number of devices sold or supported, makes this point moot. Now if Sammy offered like two models worldwide so it’s an even playing field, that’d be different.

    At the end of the day, all I’m expecting is a reasonable timeframe for (major) updates, and 10 months ain’t it, regardless of company.

  • I used to write code as a hobby for a few years; technically still do but for a tiny project. It drove me mad when I discovered issues with a version, or that I hadn’t implemented this big feature that I envisioned, and while I took classes on the subject it was just for credit and to pass the time, I wasn’t learning any new material that I didn’t already have. So I’d be angry at myself about learning new abilities and not immediately putting them to use in ways my users - mostly just family and friends - could benefit from. I never worked with anyone else, just one dude being super hard on myself, all the time, for no reason. One could see the same effects in other avenues of my life, but programming it was visible front and center.

    it was one of my reasons for burning out. Perfection and the fear that I wasn’t good enough, self-imposed fears, made for lots of late nights and missed sleep, and as I learned languages the feeling never faded. So I hung up the towel because I didn’t want to die at 30. We’ll, and partially because I became disabled, so it wasn’t completely my choice, but I was already turning a passion into a nightmare so it was going to happen eventually.

    But that was just me, self-taught, and trying to improve things however I could by my lonesome for about a decade as a teen and beyond. I don’t expect someone of my level to handle an OS project, but I damn well do for those hired and paid for the task. I hate them for many reasons, but Samsung ships OS version bumps on their flagship models in like a ~month from launch. I believe others do, too, but it’s been a while. And custom rom devs are still pushing them within a week or two. FP has just a couple models to support. This shouldn’t be a nearly year-long process.

  • Fuck features, security is the important thing here. If they are 10 (11?) months old on major systems version jumps, the fuck are they doing for monthly security patches?! A year? 18 months?

    For me, the biggest drive for me when getting a phone is rapid security updates. Then, openness of the bootloader. My phone - everyone’s phone - is a golden ticket to a huge trove of data about the person. Modular parts and repairability are important (and very desirable for me), but absolutely not at the cost of security.

    And it’s not like it’s difficult to put these together. Android… 8? Set the framework for modern updates. Everything is separate and only what you need to update has to be touched, so they can be very small and quick to install. We aren’t in the multi-gig full system images days, requiring full QA and deep testing anymore. Patch, ship. It’s not fucking difficult!
