I’ve only deleted comments when I actually regret posting them, like if I was an absolute dick to someone who didn’t actually deserve it
Yeah. I remember I got heavily downvoted on reddit once when I made an Office reference, which seemed weird to me since reddit usually loves the Office, but then I only slowly realized in context the reference inadvertently seemed really racist which was very much not my intention so I deleted it.
I rarely delete otherwise though.
I accidentally defended a paedophile once, didn’t know who the person was, just wanted to make a shitty joke… deleted that real quick.
Did u defend them about pedophilia or something elae?
Nah someone made a reference to someone in their 40s being too old for the person i “defended”, I made a joke about not kink shaming, then someone explained it to me.
I misread it as they liked older people.
Gotta be careful making shitty jokes when you’ve been drinking all night.
Isn’t it better to apologise?
I do both! I delete too cause I just don’t like keeping that negativity out there.
Sir, this is the internet.
And it can be as positive of a place as we can make it
You should try it
Leave it up to remind yourself you can be better.
Fuck you piece of shit fuck you
I leave them up, but edit to say what I think about it now. I value transparency and the willingness to change your mind when presented with new facts or apologize for being wrong, and I want to set an example for others to see. I’ve been an ass and said things I regret later, and I’ll do it again I’m sure.
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If you have issues with autism you’re gunna have a bad time talking to me. Lemmy ain’t 4chan, but there is a 4chan community for you to talk as offensively as you like
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Using autism as an insult isn’t exactly colorful, it just shows you’ve never met and/or respected an autistic person.
Colorful would’ve been something like “fucknut idiots with donkey cum for brains”, or “shitbrained human equivalents of a week-old used tampon”, or “assfaces who would lose a spelling competition to a dead camel”, etc.
You could be a lot more creative, funny, and less offensive if your goal is colorful. If your goal is to regurgitate weak ass meme language from 4chan, keep equating people you don’t like with autism
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One of the most downvoted posts I remember ever seeing was someone saying “But wasn’t he a psedophile and necrophile?” when Jimmy Saville died. That one turned around very quickly when all the stories came out in the media. Proof that sometimes you should stick to what you know is right.
Vindication is an underrated emotion.
Me deleting the reposting it knowing that the people who downvoted me won’t return
Your boos mean nothing to me; I’ve seen what you cheer!
Every breath I take without your permission raises my self-esteem!
People will downvote a picture of a flower.
I have fun trying to imagine the person who does that and why?
Maybe a flower killed their father?
I can imagine a few scenarios in which a flower would be rightfully downvoted:
Blurry/out of focus/too much jpeg. You know, generally potato quality.
Sob/stupid story title.
Obvious stock art.
Photo of cherry blossoms on a community about fungal fruit bodies.
My father died from anaphylaxis due to severe pollen allergy.
Severe allergy perhaps. Or maybe the flower is also a popular name, such as Rose or Jasmine, and they hate absolutely hate someone named like that
Reminds’es us of nature and outside. Cannot go into the sunlight. It burns us.
Kbin gives me the ability to see up/downvotes, and this is usually what I’ve used it for in the rare cases I’ve cared to check. To satisfy your curiosity, it’s usually accounts who do absolutely fuck all except downvote seemingly at random. Never comment. Sometimes they’ve never even upvoted anything.
Twice only has it been someone I recognized and knew to be generally a normal human user. One was and still is a fan of melodrama, so they were probably having One Of Those Days. The other, I’m still a little confused because I knew them to be of above average intelligence, but I think I have to chalk that up to fat thumbs.
Sorry if I’m ruining the fun. Can confirm the only haters your hypothetical flower has are absolute weirdos, though, and questionably human.
Whoopsie daisy, my thumb slipped. So clumsy.
Yeah i fat thumb a lot of downvotes
I think North Korea is an unpleasant place to be, Taiwan isn’t part of the PRC, and Stalin was a murderous dick. Makes me unpopular on Lemmy, but I gotta be me.
That’s the popular opinion everywhere here except lemmygrad and hexbear
And Lemmygrad/Hexbear are known for brigading other places to try and (without success) control the narrative. They openly admitted to doing so
By their powers combined, they become wannabe MiniTru!
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Yea sometimes I get downvotes but I know I’m right.
Sometimes I have upvotes on a cringe comment and delete those lol.
Posting about the stuff I am knowledgeable about sometimes gets me the most downvotes.
On Reddit I feel like people would just look for heavily downvoted comments to tag in and add their two cents, which could easily mean your inbox exploding, so I could understand deleting just to stop the flood, but generally I don’t worry too much about deleting old comments just because people didn’t agree with me.
On reddit the only thing that matters is the first few votes. The content of your comment doesn’t matter, people will pile on the upvotes or downvotes because agreeing with the group gives you a dopamine rush
At this point I think I would seriously start to worry about myself if everyone on Reddit agreed with me:-P.
So true. 5 likes and I smash that like button fr fr no cap.
I am too lazy and not petty enough to delete the comments I post. takes me too much effort to go thru with making one anyways
Definition of “I said what I said”
The only time I delete comments is if I accidentally comment it twice.
Same, unless of course I commented it twice on purpose.
Same, unless of course I commented it twice on purpose.
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Take pride in your downvoted posts
Downvotes are a badge of honor.
consider yourself dishonoured
The best are the downvotes without comment. To me they just read “Shit, thats a great point. But, I can’t outright admit to being wrong so downvote.”
Or maybe you’re not worth the effort. Your content doesn’t add to the discussion, so why should ours add to yours?
Be less delusional.
My whole career on Stack Exchange…