Em Adespoton

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • The phone isn’t going to end up in China from people passing them hand to hand; they’re going to be collected somewhere and bundled for shipping in an EM-protected covering of some sort. The record of the route they took right up until they go silent will be available for every phone. Looking at an aggregate map of this data should give the police a pretty good idea of what’s going on.

    I suspect the difficulty is that the police need to get a data release from each individual involved and then get Google/Apple and/or the owners to voluntarily share the historical location data with the police… which most people aren’t willing to do out of an abundance of caution.

  • That’s not actually true… I can remember when Social Credit was elected, and not too long ago Green was required to form a coalition after the Liberals started to fall apart… because of the Conservatives.

    In general, BC has been a 3-4 party system, with one of three being in power.

    It’s the influence of the US mindset of “Elect the premier!” that’s shifted us towards a two party system in the recent cycle… well, that and the total collapse of the BC Libs. All of that has of course been enhanced by FPTP, which encourages adversarial politics.

  • Yeah; just set your article to 2x speed :D

    I kid; all this video is going to vanish one day, and the text will remain.

    And for most things, text is a highly superior format. Sometimes you need a few images or a video clip to supplement it, but I like to ingest information while my ears are otherwise occupied. I keep my phone and computer muted most of the time. I often watch videos with closed captioning enabled on 2x just to scrub through and find the 10 seconds of actual information in the 15 minute video.

  • I see no issues with the officer returning to active duty… assuming that duty is behind a desk and totally unrelated to anything that could cause a conflict of interest with this investigation.

    Normally I’d say “put them on suspended leave until the investigation is complete” for everyone’s benefit — but I also want to make sure this investigation is thorough, which may take more time than it would take for the officer to go through rehabilitation and return to work.

    If it is later found that the officer was negligent in their duties, then they should go to jail for manslaughter, just like anyone else. After all, they are supposedly trained to handle this sort of situation.

    If the officer was following protocol at all times, then they need counselling and rehabilitation and the Edmonton Police need their protocols overhauled and some consequences including stricter oversight. If it turns out there were actual threats uttered and an indication of threat of immediate harm to the officer, then that information needs to be made public following the investigation.